क्रतु m. m. (√ 1.कृ, or 2. कृ), plan, design, intention, resolution, determination, purpose, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [BṛĀrUp.] क्रत्वा desire, will (instr. , willingly, readily, [RV.] ; ए॑केन क्र॑तुना, through the mere will, ii, 13, 11">[RV. ii, 13, 11] ) power, ability, [RV.] deliberation, consultation, [RV.] ; [VS.] भद्र क्रतु intelligence, understanding (e.g. , right judgement, good understanding; also in conjunction or in comp. or ifc. with द॑क्ष see क्र॑तु-द॑क्षौ and दक्षक्रतू॑), [RV.] ; ---10--- ; ---11--- ; ---12--- inspiration, enlightenment, ---13--- a sacrificial rite or ceremony, sacrifice (as the अश्व-मेध sacrifice), offering, worship (also personified, vii, 90, 9">---14--- ), [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr. xi] ; ---17--- &c. क्रतु as intelligence personified (as a son of ब्रह्मा and one of the प्रजा-पतिs or the seven or ten principal ऋषिs, [Mn. i, 35] ; [MBh. i, 2518 & 2568] ; [Hariv.] &c.; [N. of a star] ---21--- ; married to क्रिया and father of 60,000 वालिखिल्यs, iv, 1, 39">[BhP. iv, 1, 39] ; husband of हय-शिरा, vi, 6, 33) also title or epithet).">N. of one of the विश्वे-देवाs, [VP.] of a son of कृष्ण, 61, 12">[BhP. x, 61, 12] of a son of ऊरु and आग्नेयी, [Hariv. 73] of the author of a धर्म-शास्त्र, ---26--- ; ---27--- क्रतु f. m. or f. (?), also title or epithet).">N. of a river in प्लक्ष-द्वीप (v.l. क्रमु), [VP.] [cf. अ-, अ॑द्भुत-, अभि॑-, &c.; cf. also κράτος.]