Dictionaries | References क कल् { kal } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कल् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | कल् a (in comp. for 2.कद्).कल् 1.cl. 1. Ā.कलते, to sound, xiv, 26">[Dhātup. xiv, 26] ; to count, ib.;कल् [cf.Lat.calculo.]कल् 2.cl. 10. P. (rarely Ā.) कालयति (°ते), to push on, drive forward, drive before one's self or away, carry off, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; to go after (with hostile intention), persecute, iii, 41, 26">[R. iii, 41, 26] ; to count, tell over, iii, 14853">[MBh. iii, 14853] ; to throw, [L.] ; to announce the time (?).कल् 3.P. (rarely Ā.) कलयति (°ते), to impel, incite, urge on [MBh.] ; [BhP.] &c.; to bear, carry, [Gīt.] ; [Śāntiś.] &c.; to betake one's self to, ii, 104">---10--- ; to do, make, accomplish, iii, 20">[Bhartṛ. iii, 20] ; ---12--- ; to utter a sound, murmur, [Naiṣ.] ; [Śiś.] &c.; (sometimes in connection with nouns merely expressing the verbal conception e.g.मूर्छां √ , to swoon, [Bālar.] ; चुलुकं जलस्य √ , to take a draught of water, ib.); to tie on, attach, affix, [Gīt.] ; to furnish with; to observe, perceive, take notice of; to consider, count, take for, [Gīt.] ; [Bālar.] ; [Ratnāv.] ; (see 1.कलय, col.3.) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कल् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | कल् [kal] I. 1 Ā. (कलते, कलित) To count. To sound. -ii. 1 U. (कलयति-ते, कलित) To hold, bear, carry, wield, have, put on; करालकरकन्दलीकलितशस्त्रजालैर्बलैः [U.5.5;] म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसि करवालम् [Gīt.1;] कलित- ललितवनमालः; हलं कलयते ibid.; कलय वलयश्रेणीं पाणौ पदे कुरु नूपुरौ 12; [Mb.12.4.18.] (a) To count, reckon; कालः कलयतामहम् [Bg.1.3.] (b) To measure; सदा पान्थः पूषा गगनपरिमाणं कलयति [Bh.2.114.] To assume, take, have, possess; कलयति हि हिमांशोर्निष्कलङ्कस्य लक्ष्मीम् [Māl.1.22.] [Śi.4.36,9.59.] To know, understand, observe, take notice of, think of; कलयन्नपि सव्यथोवतस्थे [Śi.9.83;] कोपितं विरहखेदितचित्ता कान्तमेव कलयन्त्यनुनिन्ये 1.29; [N.2.65,] 3.12, [Māl.2.9.] To think, regard, consider; कलये- दमानमनसं सखि माम् ---10--- [Mb.12.4.15;] व्यालनिलयमिलनेन गरलमिव कलयति मलयसमीरम् ---12--- cf. कलयति स कथं ते पाशमुद्बन्धनाय [Nag.2.11.] To undergo, be influenced by; मदलीलाकलितकामपाल [Māl.8;] धन्यः कोऽपि न विक्रियां कलयति प्राप्ते नवे यौवने [Bh.1.72.] To do, perform. To go. To attach to, tie on; furnish with. To urge on, impel, incite; कलय शिखिनः केकोत्कण्ठान् [Māl.9.42.] To utter a sound, murmur. To take hold of the die called kali. -iii. 1 P. (कालयति, कालित) To push on, urge, drive forward; गावो न काल्यन्त इदं कुतो रजो [Bhāg. 4.5.8.] To carry off. To collect. To throw, cast. To proclaim the time. Related Words कल् कालिन्दिका कालकीट कलाव अनुसंकल् कलयत् ध्वाङ्क्षा उत्कल् कळ्हांटणें कनदिनीं कनदिशीं उषाकल सङ्कल निष्कल् प्रत्यासंकलित व्यवकलन कालानुनादिन् केलिकुञ्चिका व्यावकलन व्यावकलित उत्कलापय कल्मलि कळकळ्या व्यवकलित कळकळ कुल्फ परिकल् काकल कलंडणें कलक कलित कोकलणें केलिकला विकालक प्रकल् सुकल संकल् प्रत्याकलित कलभ कलवड गन्धकाली कालसूत्र कलल कलाली कळगा अकल्य सांकळणें सङ्कलन सङ्कलित अवकलित compute कलना कलिल उत्कलित उकाल कलवडू कल्य क्लीतक rob मदकल pillage कलुष कल्क कलणें कलथा कल्ला कळकळणें subtract modulate plunder कल्माष seize reckon count कालक उत्कलिका कन कलकल कलन कलोड कळणें sing calculate उत्कल कलिका snatch render estimate include sum कल कळ carry कलि value कल्कि भद्रकाली cast number कलम Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP