कालक mfn. 1.mfn. ( [Pāṇ. 5-4, 33] ) dark-blue, black, [Lalit.] freckled (? or ‘dark’, as with anger), [Pat.] कालक m. m. a freckle (? ‘black colour’), [Pat.] the black part of the eye, [Suśr.] a water-snake, [L.] a kind of grain, [Suśr.] (in alg. ) the second unknown quantity, [Bījag.] N. of a रक्षस्, [R. iii, 29, 30] of an असुर, [Hariv.] कालक m. m. pl. N. of a people, [VarBṛS.] कालक m. m. of a dynasty, [VP.] कालक n. n. a worm-hole (in wood), [VarBṛS.] the liver, [L.] N. of a pot-herb, [Bhpr.] कालक mfn. 2.mf(इका)n. to be paid monthly (as interest, वृद्धि).