कालिका f. af. blackness or black colour, [L.] ink or blacking, [L.] a dark spot, rust, [VarBṛS.] a fault or flaw in gold, [L.] change of complexion, [L.] the liver Comm. on [Yājñ.] a particular blood-vessel in the ear, [Suśr.] the line of hair extending from the pudenda to the navel, [L.] a multitude of clouds, [R. ii] ; [Ragh. xi, 15] snow, [L.] fog, [L.] the female of the bird अङ्गारक, [Pat.] a female crow, [L.] श्यामा the female of the bird Turdus macrourus (commonly ), [L.] a scorpion, [L.] a small worm or animalcule formed by the fermentation of milk, [L.] N. of several plants (वृश्चिक-पत्त्र, Valerianaजटामांसी, a kind of Terminalia, a branch of Trichosanthes dioeca), [L.] a kind of fragrant earth, [L.] a N. or form of दुर्गा, [L.] a girl of four years old who personates the goddess दुर्गा at a festival held in honour of that deity, [L.] a kind of female genius, [MBh. ii, 457] ; [Hariv. 9532] one of the mothers in स्कन्द's retinue, [MBh. ix, 2632] N. of a विद्याधरी, [Kathās. cviii, 177] of a किंनरी, [L.] of a योगिनी, [L.] of an attendant of the fourth अर्हत्, [Jain.] of a river, [MBh. iii, 8534] कालिका 1. (f. of 1.कालकq.v. ) कालिका f. 2.f. to be paid monthly (as interest, वृद्धि). कालिका b See p. 277, col. 3.