Dictionaries | References


   { labh }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लभ्   (cf.रभ्) cl. 1. Ā. (xxiii, 6">[Dhātup. xxiii, 6] ) लभते (ep. also °ति and लम्भते; pf.लेभे॑, ep. also ललाभ; aor.अलब्ध, अलप्सत, [Br.] ; Prec.लप्सीय, [Pāṇ. 8-2, 504] Sch.; fut.लब्धाGr.; लप्स्यते, °ति, [Br.] &c.; लभिष्यति, [Kāv.] ; inf.लब्धुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p.लब्ध्वा॑, [AV.] &c.; -लभ्य, -लम्भम्, [Br.] &c.; लाभम्, [Pāṇ. 7-1, 69] ),
to take, seize, catch;
catch sight of, meet with, find, [Br.] &c. &c. (with अन्तरम्, to find an opportunity, make an impression, be effective; with अवकाशम्, to find scope, be appropriate; with कालम्, to find the right time or moment);
to gain possession of, obtain, receive, conceive, get, receive (‘from’ abl.; ‘as’ acc.), recover, ib. (with गर्भम्, ‘to conceive an embryo’, ‘become pregnant’; with पदम्, to obtain a footing);
to gain the power of (doing anything), succeed in, be permitted or allowed to (inf. or dat.e.g.लभते द्रष्टुम्, or दर्शनाय, ‘he is able or allowed to see’), ---10--- ; [MBh.] &c.;
to possess, have, [Sāh.] ; [MārkP.] ;
to perceive, know, understand, learn, find out, [Kathās.] ; [Kull.] :
pass.लभ्य॑ते (ep. also °ति; aor.अलाभि or अलम्भि, with prep. only अलम्भि; cf.[Pāṇ. 7-1, 69] ; [Kāś.] ),
to be taken or caught or met with or found or got or obtained, [Br.] &c. &c.;
to be allowed or permitted (inf. sometimes with pass. sense e.g.ना-धर्मो लभ्यते कर्तुम्, ‘injustice ought not to be done’, cf. above), [Kathās.] ;
to follow, result, [Sāh.] ; [Sarvad.] ;
to be comprehended by (abl.), [Bhāṣāp.] :
Caus.लम्भयति, °ते (aor.अललम्भत्), to cause to take or receive or obtain, give, bestow (generally with two acc.; rarely with acc. and instr. = to present with; in ii, 55">[Kir. ii, 55] with two acc. and instr.; cf.[Vām. v, 2, 10] ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to get, procure (cf.लम्भित);
to find out, discover, viii, 109">[Mn. viii, 109] ;
to cause to suffer, [MW.] ;
Desid.लि॑प्सते (mc. also °ति, [TBr.] लीप्सते), to wish to seize or take or catch or obtain or receive (with acc. or gen.; ‘from’ abl.), [TBr. &c. &c.] :
Intens.लालभ्यते, लालम्भीति or लालब्धिGr.<br>लभ्   [Gk.λάφ-υρον, λαμβ-άνω; Lat.labor; Lith.lábas, लो॑बिस्.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लभ् [labh]   1 Ā. (लभते, लेभे, अलब्ध, लप्स्यते, लब्धुम्, लब्ध)<br>   To get, obtain, gain, acquire; लभेत सिकतासु तैलमपि यत्नतः पीडयन् [Bh.2.5;] चिराय याथार्थ्यमलम्भि दिग्गजैः [Śi.1.] 64.<br>   To have, possess, be in possession of.<br>   To take, receive.<br>   To catch, take or catch hold of; प्रांशु- लभ्ये फले लोभादुद्बाहुरिव वामनः [R.1.3.] <br>   To find, meet with; यत्किंचिल्लभते पथि.<br>   To recover, regain.<br>   To know, learn, perceive, understand; भ्रमणं ..... गमनादेव लभ्यते [Bhāsā. P.6;] सत्यमलभमानः Kull. on [Ms.8.19.] <br>   To be able or be permitted (to do a thing) (with inf.); मर्तुमपि न लभ्यते; नाधर्मो लभ्यते कर्तुं लोके वैद्याधरे. (The senses of लभ् are modified according to the noun with which it is used; i. e. गर्भं लभ् to conceive, become pregnant; पदं or आस्पदं लभ् to gain a footing, take a hold on; see under पद; अन्तरं लभ् to get a footing, enter into; लेभेऽन्तरं चेतसि नोपदेशः [R.6.66] 'was not impressed on the mind;' चेतनां-संज्ञां लभ् to regain one's consciousness; जन्म लभ् to be born; [Ki.5.43;] स्वास्थ्यं लभ् to enjoy ease, be at ease; दर्शनं लभ् to get an audience of &c.). -Caus. (लम्भयति-ते)<br>   To cause to get or receive, cause to take; मधुरै रवशानि लम्भयन्नपि तिर्यञ्चि शमं निरीक्षितैः [Ki.2.55.] <br>   To give, confer or bestow upon; मोदकशरावं माणवकं लम्भय [V.3.] <br>   To cause to suffer.<br>   To obtain, receive.<br>   To find out, discover.-Desid. (लिप्सते) To wish to get, long for; अलब्धं चैव लिप्सेत [H.2.8.] <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   r. 1st cl. (लभते)<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To obtain, to get or gain.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To find.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   3. To be able, to be permitted.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   4. To recover.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   5. To know. With आ,<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To touch.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To offer as a sacrifice.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   3. To attain. With उप,<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To attain.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To perceive, to see.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   With उप and prefixed,<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To blame.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To learn.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   With प्रति, To gain or regain. With वि and प्र,<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To cheat.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To insult.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   3. To recover.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   With सम, To obtain. Caus. (लम्भयति-ते)<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To give.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To receive.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   3. To dis- cover.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   4. To cause to take.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   5. To cause to suffer. Desid. (लिप्सते) To long for. (इ) लभि<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   r. 1st cl. (लम्भते)<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To sound.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To injure.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   3. To revile.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   4. To gain.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   With उप prefixed,<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   1. To apprehend, to under- stand.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   2. To delay.<br>लभ् (डु, अष्) डुलभष्   With उप and आङ्, To revile, to abuse.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  प्रापणानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. इदं कार्यं कृत्वा अहम् अत्यन्तम् आनन्दं लभे। <br>
प्र आप्
अवस्थासूचक क्रिया (Verb of State)क्रिया (Verb)
urdپانا , حاصل کرنا , ملنا
 verb  स्थानविशेषे विद्यमानानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. एषा वनस्पतिः हिमालये एव लभते। <br>
भौतिक अवस्थासूचक (Physical State)अवस्थासूचक क्रिया (Verb of State)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : प्राप्, अर्ज्, अर्ज्<br>

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