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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रम्   cl. 1. Ā. (xx, 23">[Dhātup. xx, 23] ) रमते (Ved. also P.र॑मति or रम्णातिpf.रराम, [MBh.] ; रेमे, [Br.] &c.; aor. 3. pl.रन्त, [RV.] ; अरंसीत्, [Kāv.] ; अरंस्त, [RV.] ; रंसिषम्, [SV.] ; fut.रन्ताGr.; रंस्यति, [Br.] ; °ते, ib. &c.; inf.रमितुम्, [MBh.] ; रन्तुम्, ib. &c.; रन्तोस्, [Br.] ; ind.p.रत्वा॑, ib.; रन्त्वा, [Kāv.] ; -रम्य or -रत्य, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 38] ),
to stop, stay, make fast, calm, set at rest (P.; esp.pres.रम्णाति), [RV.] ; [VS.] ;
(Ā.P.) to delight, make happy, enjoy carnally, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Śukas.] ;
(Ā.) to stand still, rest, abide, like to stay with (loc. or dat.), [RV.] &c. &c.;
(Ā.; P. only mc.)
to be glad or pleased, rejoice at, delight in, be fond of (loc.instr. or inf.), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to play or sport, dally, have sexual intercourse with (instr. with or without समम्, सह, साकम् or सा-र्धम्), [ChUp.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to couple (said of deer), [Pāṇ. 3-1, 26] , Vārtt. 8, [Pat.] (cf.Caus.);
to play with i.e. put to stake (instr.), ---23--- :
Caus.रम॑यति or राम॑यति (aor.अ॑रीरमत्), to cause to stay, stop, set at rest, [RV.] ; [TS.] ; ---26--- ; KātyŚr.;
(रमयति, mc. also °ते) to gladden, delight, please, caress, enjoy carnally, ---27--- ; [Kāv.] &c. (3. sg.रमयति-तराम्, iii, 9">[Ratnâv. iii, 9] );
to enjoy one's self, be pleased or delighted, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ;
मृगान् रमयति, he tells that the deer are coupling, ---32--- , Vārtt. 8, [Pat.] :
Desid. in रिरंसा, °सुq.v.:
Desid. of Caus. in रिरमयिषुq.v.: Intesis. रंरम्यते or रंरमीति85.">[Pāṇ. 7-4, 85.] <br>रम्   [cf.Zd. ram, Gk.ἠρέμα, ἔραμαι, ἐρατός; Lith.rimti; Goth.rimis.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रम् [ram]   1 Ā. (रमते, but Paras. when preceded by वि, आ, परि and उप; रेमे, अरंस्त, अरंसीत् P. रंस्यते, रन्तुम्, रत)<br>   To be pleased or delighted, rejoice, be gratified; रहसि रमते [Māl 3.2;] [Ms.2.223;] [U.2.18.] <br>   To rejoice at, be pleased with, take delight in, be fond of (with instr. or loc.); लोलापाङ्गैर्यदि न रमसे लोचनैर्बञ्चितोऽसि [Me. 27;] व्यजेष्ट षड्वर्गमरंस्त नीतौ [Bk.1.2.] <br>   To play, sport, dally, amuse oneself with; राजप्रियाः कैरविण्यो रमन्ते मधुपैः सह [Bv.1.126] (where the next meaning is also hinted); [Bk.6.15,67;] रंरम्यते (अतिशयेन रमते) सरस- नागरिकण नाम्ना श्रीबिह्लणेन कविना क्षितिपालपुत्री [Bil. Ch.48.] <br>   To have sexual intercourse with; सा तत्पुत्रेण सह रमते [H.3;] विशङ्कमाना रमितं कयापि जनार्दनम् [Gīt.7.] <br>   To remain, stay, pause.<br>   To take rest, remain quiet.<br>   To gladden, delight. -Caus. (रमयति-ते) To please, delight, satisfy. -Desid. (रिरंसते) To wish to sport &c.; [Śi.15.18.] <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   r. 1st. cl. (रमते)<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   1. To sport or play.<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   2. To rest, to stay.<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   3. To be pleased.<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   4. To have sexual intercourse with. With अभि, To be delighted. With some prefixes this root forms an active verb, as<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   with आङ्, उप and वि; आरमति to rest, to repose, &c.; with उप the form is optional, if the sense is intransitive, as (उपरमति or ते)<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   1. To stop or cease.<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   2. To desist from.<br>रम् (औ, उ) औरमु   3. To die. Caus. (रमयति-ते) To amuse, to please.<br>


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