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   { dārdurḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दार्दुर  mfn. mf()n. (fr.दर्दुर) relating to a cloud, [Hariv. 4162]
   a frog's (bite), vi, 23">[Car. vi, 23]
   belonging to the mountain दर्दुर, ii, 15, 33">[R. ii, 15, 33]
दार्दुर  n. n. a conch-shell the valve of which opens to the right, [L.]
   lac, [L.]
   water, [L.]
   the ways of a frog, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दार्दुरः [dārdurḥ] रम् [ram]   रम् 1 A conch-shell the valve of which opens to the right.
   lac. -a.
   relating to the दर्दुर mountain; गन्धान् मनोज्ञान् विसृजद्दार्दुरं शिखरं यथा [Rām.2.15.34.]
   relating to a cloud.

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