प्र a.-√ 1.दाP. -ददाति, rarely Ā. -दत्ते, (Ved. inf. प्र॑-दातोस्, [TS.] ; irreg. Pot. P. -ददेत्, [Hcat.] ), to give away, give, offer, present, grant, bestow, [RV.] &c. &c. (with or scil. भार्याम्, to give in marriage; with प्रतिवचस्, to g° an answer; with प्रवृत्तिम्, to information about an event; with युद्धम्, to g° battle; with द्वंद्व-युद्धम्, to engage in single combat; with विद्याम्, to communicate or impart knowledge; with हुता-शनम्, to set fire to); |