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   { airāvatḥ, airāvata }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  ऐरावती


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
AIRĀVATA   An asura who was killed by Śrī Kṛṣṇa. [See Chapter 38, Sabhā Parva, Mahābhārata] .
AIRĀVATA I   A large elephant, son of Irāvatī.
1) genealogy.
descended from Viṣṇu in this order:-- Viṣṇu-Brahmā-Kaśyapa-Bhadramatā-Irāvatī-Airāvata. Kaśyapa married Dakṣa's daughter, Krodhavaśā who bore him ten daughters. they were: Mṛgī, Mṛgamandā, Harī, Bhadramatā, Mātaṅgī, Śārdūlī, Svetā, Surabhī, Sarasā and Kadru. Of these Bhadramatā had a daughter named Irāvatī and Airāvata was her son. Airāvata was not human in shape; he was a large elephant. [See Sarga 14, Araṇyakāṇḍa, Rāmāyaṇa] .
2) indra's Vāhana.
indra made Airāvata his conveyance (vāhana). indra was Kaśyapa's son by aditi. Airāvata also was descended from Kaśyapa. So indra took Airāvata as his vāhana.
3) Airāvata caused the churning of the ocean of milk.
there is a story of how Airāvata was responsible for the churning of the milk-ocean (Kṣīrābdhi-mathanam). once some maidens of devaloka presented a garland of flowers to sage Durvāsas. When Durvāsas visited indra's court he gave that garland to indra. indra put it on the tusks of his vāhana, Airāvata. The fragrance of the flowers attracted a swarm of bees which became an intolerable nuisance to Airāvata. So Airāvata tore the garland off his tusks and hurled it away. When Durvāsas heard this, he took it as an insult. In his anger he cursed all the gods--the curse was that all gods should become subject to old age and the decrepitude and infirmities of old age. But though Durvāsas cursed the gods, he also prescribed a remedy. The gods could redeem themselves from the curse by drinking Amṛtam obtained from the ocean of milk (Mahāviṣṇu lies on the serpent, Śeṣa on this ocean). The curse began to operate and the gods lost their perennial youth. The gods then befriended the Asuras and with their help they churned the ocean of milk. they got the nectar (Amṛtam), drank it and regained their youth. (see under the word AMṚTAM). 4) there is another story about Airāvata--A story of how he also rose out of the ocean of milk. it is said that when the devas and asuras churned the ocean of milk, Airāvata also came up along with the other good things. this story is narrated in the [18th Chapter of Ādi Parva of the Mahābhārata] . The explanation given is that when Durvāsas cursed the gods, Airāvata was oppressed with a sense of guilt because he was responsible for the curse. So he took refuge in the ocean of milk and there started propitiating Mahāviṣṇu. there is however no warrant for such an explanation in the purāṇas. But the explanation sounds plausible because it explains the absence of Airāvata during the interval between Durvāsas's curse and the churning of the sea. Airāvata is represented as a white elephant. it is probable that he became white after his long residence in the ocean of milk. this lends some additional plausibility to the above explanation.
5) Airāvata, the lord of the elephant.
In the [Viṣṇu Purāṇa] we are told how Airāvata was made the chief of all elephants. When the Maharṣis had crowned Pṛthu as the sovereign king, Brahmā gave new posts of honour to many of the devas. he made soma (moon) the lord of the Stars and Planets, of Brahmins, Yajñas and herbs. Kubera was made the overlord of all Kings; Varuṇa was made the master of the seas and all water; Viṣṇu, the lord of the Ādityas and Pāvaka (fire) the lord of the Vasus. along with these Brahmā made Airāvata the lord of all elephants. [Chapter 22, Viṣṇu Purāṇa] .
6) The breaking of Airāvata's tusks.
there is a story of how the tusks of Airāvata were broken narrated in the [Āsurakāṇḍa of Skanda Purāṇa] . once an asura (demon) named Śūrapadma attacked devaloka. A fierce battle ensued between the gods and asuras. In the course of this battle, Jayanta, indra's son, was hit by an arrow and at once he fell dead. enraged by this Airāvata rushed at Śūrapadma's chariot and shattered it to pieces. Airāvata then attacked Śūrapadma who broke his tusks and hurled him down to the earth. Airāvata lay paralysed for a long time; then he got up, retired to a forest and prayed to lord Śiva. With the grace of Śiva Airāvata regained his lost tusks and was able to return to devaloka.
7) other details about Airāvata.
(1) there is a belief that Airāvata is one of the eight elephants guarding the eight zones of the universe. these eight elephants are called the Aṣṭadiggajas. Airāvata is supposed to guard the eastern zone. [Chapter 66, Ādi Parva, Mahābhārata] .
(2) Airāvata and three other diggajas are supposed to reside in Puṣkara island. [Chapter 12, Bhīṣma Parva, M.B.] .
AIRĀVATA ii   name of a serpent born to Kaśyapa and his wife Kadru. this is mentioned in [Śloka 5, Chapter 35, Ādi Parva] of the Mahābhārata. Arjuna's father-inlaw and Ulūpi's father, Kauravya belonged to the family of this serpent. [See Śloka 18, Chapter 213, Ādi Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  इंद्र का हाथी जो पूर्व दिशा का दिग्गज है   Ex. समुद्र मंथन से ऐरावत भी निकला था
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasایراوَتھ , گَجینٛدَر , اِبراج , ناگینٛدَر , ناگیشوَر , دیوگَج
urdہستی مل , ابھرناگ , کریندر , گجند
 noun  एक नाग   Ex. ऐरावत का वर्णन पौराणिक कथाओं में मिलता है ।
सरीसृप (Reptile)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)



कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  अस्तंत दिशेचो दिग्गज आशिल्लो असो इंद्राचो हती   Ex. समुद्र मंथनांत ऐरावत लेगीत आयिल्लो
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasایراوَتھ , گَجینٛدَر , اِبراج , ناگینٛدَر , ناگیشوَر , دیوگَج
urdہستی مل , ابھرناگ , کریندر , گجند
 noun  एक नाग   Ex. ऐरावतचें वर्णन पुराणीक कथानी मेळटा
सरीसृप (Reptile)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   pop. ऐरावती m The name of indra's elephant. Pr. इंद्राचा ऐ0 शांभटाची तटाणी.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  The name of indra's elephant.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  समुद्रमंथनातून प्राप्त झालेला पूर्वेच्या दिक्पालाचा (इंद्राचा) हत्ती   Ex. ऐरावत हा पूर्वेचा दिग्गज आहे
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasایراوَتھ , گَجینٛدَر , اِبراج , ناگینٛدَر , ناگیشوَر , دیوگَج
urdہستی مل , ابھرناگ , کریندر , گجند
 noun  एक नाग   Ex. ऐरावतचे वर्णन पौराणिक कथांमध्ये आढळते.
सरीसृप (Reptile)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : हत्ती


  पु. ( विरु . ) ऐरावती ; इंद्राचा हत्ती ; समुद्रमंथपासून काढलेल्या चौदा रत्नांपैकीं एक . अर्जुना मी गा ऐरावतु । पयोराशी सुरमथितु ॥ - ज्ञा १० . २३८ . [ सं . ] म्ह० कोठें इंद्राचा ऐरावत कोठें शामभटाची तटाणी = एक अतिशय थोर आणि दुसरी अतिशय क्षुद्र अशा दोन गोष्टींचा विरोध दाखवावयाचा असल्यास या म्हणीचा उपयोग करतात . ऐरावतीलक्ष्मी - स्त्री . गजांत लक्ष्मी ; हत्ती बाळगण्याइतकी श्रीमंती . मदमत्त झालेल्या द्वीपेंद्रानें एखादे वेळीं क्वचित प्राणनाश केला म्हणून ... ऐरावती लक्ष्मीचा अनादर करणें योग्य नाहीं . किरकोळ लेख संग्रह ( विष्णु शास्त्री चिपळूणकर ).


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऐरावत  m. m. (fr.इरा-वत्), a descendant of इरा-वत्
   also title or epithet).">N. of a नाग or mythical serpent, viii, 10, 29">[AV. viii, 10, 29] ; [TāṇḍyaBr.] ; [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
नाग   produced from the ocean’, also title or epithet).">N. of इन्द्र's elephant (considered as the prototype of the elephant race and the supporter of the east quarter; cf., which means also elephant and serpent), [MBh.] ; [Ragh.] ; [Megh.] &c.
   a species of elephant, ii, 70, 23">[R. ii, 70, 23]
   the tree Artocarpus Lacucha
   the orange tree, [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a particular portion of the moon's path
   of a form of the sun, [VP.] ; ---10---
ऐरावत  mn. mn. a kind of rainbow, [MBh.] ; ---12--- &c.
ऐरावत  f. f(, ). a particular portion of the moon's path (including the lunar mansions पुनर्वसु, पुष्य, and आश्लेष), [VarBṛS.]
ऐरावत  n. n. the fruit of Artocarpus Lacucha, ---14---
   also title or epithet).">N. of a वर्ष, [MBh.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऐरावतः [airāvatḥ]   [इरा आपः तद्वान् इरावान् समुद्रः तस्मादुत्पन्नः अण्]
  N. N. of the elephant of indra. ऐरावतं गजेन्द्राणाम् [Bg. 1.27.]
   An excellent elephant; a species of elephant; ऐरावतानैन्द्रशिरान्नागान्वै प्रियदर्शनान् [Rām.2.7.23.]
   one of the chiefs of the Nāgas or serpent-race (inhabiting Pātāla); अहमैरावत ज्येष्ठभ्रातृभ्योऽकरवं नमः [Mb.1.3.139.]
   The elephant presiding over the east.
   A kind of rainbow.
   A kind of lightning; (said to be n. also in these two senses).
   The orange tree.
   तम् A vast and waterless region.
   (pl.) N. of a Varṣa.
  N. N. of the northern path of the moon.
   A kind of cloud; 'मेघस्योपरि मेघो यः स ऐरावत उच्यते' इति दक्षिणावर्तः (commentator of मेघदूत).
   ती The female of indra's elephant.
  N. N. of a plant (वटपत्री)
  N. N. of river Rāvi in the panjab (= इरावती).
  N. N. of a particular portion of the moon's path.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऐरावत  m.  (-तः)
   1. indra'S elephant.
   2. The same, considered as the elephant of the north quarter.
   3. An orange.
   4. A fruit, (Arto- carpus lacucha.)
   5. A serpent, one of the chiefs of the naga or serpent race, inhabiting the infernal regions.
  f.  (-ती)
   1. lightning. 2. A particular kind of it.
   3. The female of indra'S elephant.
   4. The ravi river in the panjab.
  n.  (-तं) indra'S bow unbent, the rainbow.
   E. इरावत् water-having; that is, the ocean, a cloud, &c. अण् affix implying origin or descent; born from the ocean, (the elephant,) proceeding from watery clouds, (lightning, &c.)

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