उत्-कट mfn. mfn. (fr. 1.उद् with affix कट, [Pāṇ. 5-2, 29] ), exceeding the usual measure, immense, gigantic, [R.] ; [Prab.] ; [Pañcat.] &c. richly endowed with, abounding in [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Pañcat.] &c. drunk, mad, furious, [MBh.] ; [R.] excessive, much superior, high, proud, haughty uneven difficult उत्-कट m. m. fluid dropping from the temples of an elephant in rut, [L.] the plant Saccharum Sara, or a similar kind of grass, [Suśr.] intoxication, pride, [L.] उत्-कट n. n. the fragrant bark of Laurus Cassia.