यावत् mfn. mf(अती)n. (fr. 3.य; correlative of तावत्q.v. ) as great, as large, as much, as many, as often, as frequent, as far, as long, as old &c. (or how great &c. = quantus, quot or qualis), [RV.] &c. &c. (या॑वन्तः कि॑यन्तः, ‘as many as’ [TBr.] ; या॑वद् वा यावद् वा, ‘as much as possible’ [ŚBr.] ; यावत् तावत्, ‘so much as’, in alg. applied to the first unknown quantity [= x] or so much of the unknown as its co-efficient number; in this sense also expressed by the first syllable याcf. [IW. 182] ; इति यावत् in Comms. ‘just so much’, ‘only so’, ‘that is to say’, ‘such is the explanation’) यावत् n. ind. as greatly as, as far as, as much or as many as as often as, whenever as long as, whilst यावत् as soon as, the moment that, until that, till, until, [RV.] &c. &c. (in these senses used with either pres. pot. fut. impf. , or aor. , or with the simple copula). with the 1st sg. of pres. , rarely of pot. , may denote an intended action and may be translated by ‘meanwhile’, ‘just’ यावद् यावद्-तावत् तावत् , ‘as gradually as-so’ [ŚBr.] यावन् न , ‘while not’, ‘before’, ‘till’ ‘if not’, ‘whether not’ न यावत्तावत् , ‘scarcely-when’, ‘no sooner-than’ न परम् or न केवलम्-यावत्, ‘not only-but even.’ sometimes यावत् is also used as a preposition with a prec. or following acc. , or with a following abl. , rarely dat. e.g. मासम् एकं यावत्, ‘during one month’ सूर्योदयं यावत् , ‘until sunrise’ सर्प-विवरं यावत् , ‘up to the serpent's hole’ यावद् or यावद्-आ समापनात्, ‘until the completion’ यावद् गर्भस्य परिपाकाय , ‘until the maturity of the fetus.’ sometimes also with a nom. followed by इतिe.g. अन्त इति यावत्, ‘as far as the end’ पञ्च यावद् इति , ‘up to five’ यावत् n. ind. or with another ind. word e.g. अद्य यावत्, ‘up to this day.’ यावताind. as far as, as long as, [Āpast.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] यावत् n. ind. till, until (with pot. ), [Lāṭy.] (with न, as long as not, before, [BhP.] ) as soon as, the moment that, [Cat.] in as much as, [Pat.] यावत् n. ind.यावति-तावति, [Daś.]