चित् mfn. 1.mfn.ifc. ‘piling up’ see अग्नि-, ऊर्ध्व-, and पूर्व-चि॑त् कङ्क ([Pāṇ. 3-2, 92] ) forming a layer or stratum, piled up, [VS. i, xii] ; [TS. i] (cf. -, कर्म-, चक्षुश्-, द्रोण-, प्रा-ण-, मनश्-, रथचक्र-, वाक्-, श्येन-, and श्रोत्र-चि॑त्.) चित् mfn. 2.mfn.ifc. ‘knowing’ see ऋत-चि॑त् ऋण ‘giving heed to’ or ‘revenging [guilt, -]’ see -. चित् mfn. 3.mfn.ifc. ‘id.’ see 2.. चित् a 1. 2. 3 . see √ 1. 2. 3. चि. चित् f. 4.cl. 1. चे॑तति (impf. अचेतत्, vii, 95, 2">[RV. vii, 95, 2] ; p. चे॑तत्, [RV.] ) cl. 2. (Ā. Pass. 3. sg. चिते॑, x, 143, 4; p. f.instr. चितन्त्या, i, 129, 7; Ā. चितान, 101, 11">ix, 101, 11; [VS. x, 1] ) cl. 3. irreg. चिकेतति ([RV.] ; Subj. चिकेतत्, [RV.] ; Impv. 2. sg. चिकिद्धि, [RV.] ; p. चिकितान॑, [RV.] ; perf. चिके॑त, ---10--- &c.; चिचेत, viii, 37">---11--- ; 3. du. चेततुर्, iii, 22, 2">[AV. iii, 22, 2] ; Ā. and Pass. चिकिते॑, [RV.] &c.; 3. pl. °त्रे, [RV.] ; for p. चिकित्व॑स् see s.v. ; Ā. Pass. चिचिते, ii, 29">[Bhaṭṭ. ii, 29] ; aor. अचेतीत्, viii, 35">[Vop. viii, 35] ; Ā. Pass. अ॑चेति and चे॑ति, [RV.] ; for अचैत् see √ 2.चि; fut. 1st चे॑त्ता, 22, 5">i, 22, 5) to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of ( acc. or gen. ), ---18--- ; ---19--- ; [AV.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to aim at, intend, design (with dat. ), 38, 3">---22--- ; to be anxious about, care for ( acc. or gen. ), ix f.">i, ix f.; to resolve, 53, 24; x, 55, 6">iii, 53, 24; x, 55, 6; to understand, comprehend, know ( perf. often in the sense of pr. ), [RV.] ; vii, 2, 1 and 5, 5">---24--- ; Ā. P. to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known, [RV.] ; [VS. x, xv] : Caus. चेत॑यति, °ते (2. pl. चेत॑यध्वम्Subj. चेतयत्Impv. 2. du. चेतयेथाम्impf. अ॑चेतयत्, [RV.] ; 3. pl. चित॑यन्ते, [RV.] ; p. चित॑यत्, ---29--- ( eleven times); चेत॑यत्, x, 110, 8, &c.; Ā. चेतयान see s.v. ) to cause to attend, make attentive, remind of iv, 51, 3">i, 131, 2 and iv, 51, 3; to cause to comprehend, instruct, teach, [RV.] ; to observe, perceive, be intent upon, ---31--- ; xii, 9890">[MBh. xii, 9890] ; xiii, 10">[Kathās. xiii, 10] ; Ā. ( once P. xviii, 74">---34--- ) to form an idea in the mind, be conscious of, understand, comprehend, think, reflect upon, ---35--- ; [ŚBr.] ; vii, 5, 1">---37--- ; ---38--- ; viii, 1, 9">[BhP. viii, 1, 9] ; [Prab.] ; P. to have a right notion of. know, iii, 14877">[MBh. iii, 14877] ; P. ‘to recover consciousness’, awake, viii, 123">[Bhaṭṭ. viii, 123] ; Ā. to remember, have consciousness of ( acc. ), [Pāṇ. 3-2, 112] ; [Kāś.] ; ii, 3, 18 Sch. ">[Bādar. ii, 3, 18] Sch. ; to appear, be conspicuous, shine, [RV.] ; [TS. iii] : Desid. चि॑कित्सति ( fr. √ कित्, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 5] ; xxiii, 24">[Dhātup. xxiii, 24] ; exceptionally Ā. xii, 12544">[MBh. xii, 12544] ; Impv. °त्सतुSubj. °त्सात्aor. 2. sg. अ॑चिकित्सीस्, ---51--- ; Pass. p. चिकित्स्यमान, [Suśr.] ; ---53--- ) to have in view, aim at, be desirous, 11, 1; ix, 2, 3">[AV. v, 11, 1; ix, 2, 3] ; to care for, be anxious about, vi, x; ( ---55--- ; [Siddh.] ) to treat medically, cure, KātyŚr. xxv; [MBh. i, xii] ; [Suśr.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ; to wish to appear, [RV. i, 123, 1] : Caus. of Desid. ( fut. चिकित्सयिष्यति) to cure, iv, 4/5, 6 f.">[Mālav. iv, 4/5, 6 f.] : Intens. चेकिते ( fr. √ 2.चि?, or for °त्ते, 53, 3 and 119, 3; ii, 34, 10">[RV. i, 53, 3 and 119, 3; ii, 34, 10] ; p. चे॑कितत्, ix, 111, 3; Ā. चे॑कितान, [RV.] eight times) to appear, be conspicuous, shine, [RV.] चित् mfn. 5.mfn.ifc. ‘thinking’ see अ-, दुश्-, मनश्-, विपश्-, and हुरश्-चि॑त् अप-चित् cf. also चित् f. f. thought, intellect, spirit, soul, iv, 19">[VS. iv, 19] ; [KapS.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ; [BhP.] स cf. - and आ चि॑त् pure thought (ब्रह्मcf. [RTL.] p.34), [Vedântas.] ; [Prab.] चित् n. 6.ind. only in comp.