Dictionaries | References


   { cit }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चित्  mfn. 1.mfn.ifc.piling up’ see अग्नि-, ऊर्ध्व-, and पूर्व-चि॑त्
कङ्क   ([Pāṇ. 3-2, 92] ) forming a layer or stratum, piled up, [VS. i, xii] ; [TS. i] (cf.-, कर्म-, चक्षुश्-, द्रोण-, प्रा-ण-, मनश्-, रथचक्र-, वाक्-, श्येन-, and श्रोत्र-चि॑त्.)
चित्  mfn. 2.mfn.ifc.knowingsee ऋत-चि॑त्
ऋण   giving heed to’ or ‘revenging [guilt, -]’ see -.
चित्  mfn. 3.mfn.ifc.id.’ see 2..
चित्   a 1. 2. 3 . see √ 1. 2. 3. चि.
चित्  f. 4.cl. 1. चे॑तति (impf.अचेतत्, vii, 95, 2">[RV. vii, 95, 2] ; p.चे॑तत्, [RV.] ) cl. 2. (Ā.Pass. 3. sg. चिते॑, x, 143, 4; p.f.instr.चितन्त्या, i, 129, 7; Ā.चितान, 101, 11">ix, 101, 11; [VS. x, 1] ) cl. 3. irreg.चिकेतति ([RV.] ; Subj.चिकेतत्, [RV.] ; Impv. 2. sg.चिकिद्धि, [RV.] ; p.चिकितान॑, [RV.] ; perf.चिके॑त, ---10--- &c.; चिचेत, viii, 37">---11--- ; 3. du.चेततुर्, iii, 22, 2">[AV. iii, 22, 2] ; Ā. and Pass.चिकिते॑, [RV.] &c.; 3. pl.°त्रे, [RV.] ; for p.चिकित्व॑स् see s.v.; Ā.Pass.चिचिते, ii, 29">[Bhaṭṭ. ii, 29] ; aor.अचेतीत्, viii, 35">[Vop. viii, 35] ; Ā.Pass.अ॑चेति and चे॑ति, [RV.] ; for अचैत् see2.चि; fut. 1st चे॑त्ता, 22, 5">i, 22, 5)
to perceive, fix the mind upon, attend to, be attentive, observe, take notice of (acc. or gen.), ---18--- ; ---19--- ; [AV.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to aim at, intend, design (with dat.), 38, 3">---22--- ;
to be anxious about, care for (acc. or gen.), ix f.">i, ix f.;
to resolve, 53, 24; x, 55, 6">iii, 53, 24; x, 55, 6;
to understand, comprehend, know (perf. often in the sense of pr.), [RV.] ; vii, 2, 1 and 5, 5">---24--- ;
Ā.P. to become perceptible, appear, be regarded as, be known, [RV.] ; [VS. x, xv] :
Caus.चेत॑यति, °ते (2. pl.चेत॑यध्वम्Subj.चेतयत्Impv. 2. du.चेतयेथाम्impf.अ॑चेतयत्, [RV.] ; 3. pl.चित॑यन्ते, [RV.] ; p.चित॑यत्, ---29--- (eleven times); चेत॑यत्, x, 110, 8, &c.; Ā.चेतयान see s.v.)
to cause to attend, make attentive, remind of iv, 51, 3">i, 131, 2 and iv, 51, 3;
to cause to comprehend, instruct, teach, [RV.] ;
to observe, perceive, be intent upon, ---31--- ; xii, 9890">[MBh. xii, 9890] ; xiii, 10">[Kathās. xiii, 10] ;
Ā. (once P.xviii, 74">---34--- ) to form an idea in the mind, be conscious of, understand, comprehend, think, reflect upon, ---35--- ; [ŚBr.] ; vii, 5, 1">---37--- ; ---38--- ; viii, 1, 9">[BhP. viii, 1, 9] ; [Prab.] ;
P. to have a right notion of. know, iii, 14877">[MBh. iii, 14877] ;
P. ‘to recover consciousness’, awake, viii, 123">[Bhaṭṭ. viii, 123] ;
Ā. to remember, have consciousness of (acc.), [Pāṇ. 3-2, 112] ; [Kāś.] ; ii, 3, 18 Sch.">[Bādar. ii, 3, 18] Sch.;
to appear, be conspicuous, shine, [RV.] ; [TS. iii] :
Desid.चि॑कित्सति (fr.कित्, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 5] ; xxiii, 24">[Dhātup. xxiii, 24] ; exceptionally Ā.xii, 12544">[MBh. xii, 12544] ; Impv.°त्सतुSubj.°त्सात्aor. 2. sg.अ॑चिकित्सीस्, ---51--- ; Pass.p.चिकित्स्यमान, [Suśr.] ; ---53--- )
to have in view, aim at, be desirous, 11, 1; ix, 2, 3">[AV. v, 11, 1; ix, 2, 3] ;
to care for, be anxious about, vi, x;
(---55--- ; [Siddh.] )
to treat medically, cure, KātyŚr. xxv; [MBh. i, xii] ; [Suśr.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ;
to wish to appear, [RV. i, 123, 1] :
Caus. of Desid. (fut.चिकित्सयिष्यति) to cure, iv, 4/5, 6 f.">[Mālav. iv, 4/5, 6 f.] :
Intens.चेकिते (fr.2.चि?, or for °त्ते, 53, 3 and 119, 3; ii, 34, 10">[RV. i, 53, 3 and 119, 3; ii, 34, 10] ; p.चे॑कितत्, ix, 111, 3; Ā.चे॑कितान, [RV.] eight times)
to appear, be conspicuous, shine, [RV.]
चित्  mfn. 5.mfn.ifc.thinkingsee -, दुश्-, मनश्-, विपश्-, and हुरश्-चि॑त्
अप-चित्   cf. also
अप चित्
चित्  f. f. thought, intellect, spirit, soul, iv, 19">[VS. iv, 19] ; [KapS.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ; [BhP.]
   cf.- and आ चि॑त्
   pure thought (ब्रह्मcf.[RTL.] p.34), [Vedântas.] ; [Prab.]
चित्  n. 6.ind. only in comp.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चित् [cit]   1 P., 1 Ā. (चेतति, चेतयते, चेतित)
   To perceive, see, notice, observe; नेषूनचेतन्नस्यन्तम् [Bk.17.16;] चिचेत सामस्तत्कृच्छ्रम् 14.62;15.38;2.29.
   To know, understand, be aware or conscious of; परैरध्यारुह्य- माणमात्मनं न चेतयते [Dk.154;] कादम्बरीरसभरेण समस्त एव मत्तो न किंचिदपि चेतयते जनोऽयम् [K.24.]
   To regain consciousness.
   To aim at, intend, design (with dat.).
   To desire or long for.
   To be anxious about, care for, be intent upon, be engaged in.
   To resolve upon.
   To appear, shine.
   To be regarded as.
   To make attentive, remind of.
   To teach, instruct.
   To form an idea, be conscious of, understand, comprehend think, reflect upon.
   To be awake; जगत्येकः स चेतति L. D. B.
चित् [cit]  f. f. [चित्-संपदा˚ भावे क्विप्]
   thought, preception.
   intelligence, intellect, understanding; [Bh.2.1;3.1.]
   The heart, mind; मुक्ताफलैश्चिदुल्लासैः [Bhāg.9.11.33.]
   The soul, spirit, the animating principle of life.
   brahman. -Comp.
-आत्मन्  m. m.
   the thinking principle or faculty.
   pure intelligence, the supreme spirit.-आत्मकम् consciousness.
-आभासः   the individual soul (जीव) (which still sticks to worldly defilements).-उल्लासः gladdening the heart or spirit.
-घनः   the supreme spirit or brahman.
-प्रवृत्तिः  f. f. reflection, thinking.
-रूप   a.
   consisting of intelligence.
   wise, intelligent, of a liberal mind.
   amiable, good-hearted. (-पम्) pure intelligence, the supreme being. -शक्तिःf. mental power, intellectual capacity.
-स्वरूपम्   the supreme spirit. -ind.
   A particle added to किम् and its derivatives (such as कद्, कथम्, क्व, कदा, कुत्र, कुतः &c.) to impart to them an indefinite sense; कुत्रचित् somewhere; केचित् some &c.
   The sound चित्.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चित्  f.  (-चित्) intellect, understanding. ind. A particle and affix to words giving them an indefinite signification, as कश्चित् some one, कस्यचित् of some one, &c. see चन.
   E. चित् to remember, affix भावे क्विप्
चित् भावे क्विप्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  चेतसः अप्रमत्तानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. अहं भवद्भ्यः प्रत्यादेशं ददामि यत् भवान् चेततु इति।
भौतिक अवस्थासूचक (Physical State)अवस्थासूचक क्रिया (Verb of State)क्रिया (Verb)
asmবাচি যোৱা
benসামলে থাকা
oriଜଗିକି ରହିବା
tamபாதுகாத்து கொள்
urdبچنا , سنبھلنا , خبردارہونا , با خبرہونا , ہشیار ہونا
   see : जागृ

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