क्व n. ind. (fr. 1.कु, 12; 5-2, 105">[Pāṇ. 5-3, 12; 5-2, 105] ) case.">loc. of 2.क॑ = कस्मिन्, or कतरस्मिन्, [Mn. x, 66] (क्व श्रेयस्-त्वम्, in whom is the preference?), lxxxiii, 36">[Kathās. lxxxiii, 36] अह where? in what place? whither? [RV.] (sometimes connected with particles , इ॑द्, इव, स्वि॑द्) &c. नु (connected with ), [Nal.] ; [Mālav.] नु खलु (with ), [Śak.] भू (with √ , √ अस्) how is it with? what has become of? i.e. it is done with, vii, 88, 5">[RV. i, 161, 4; vii, 88, 5] ; [AV. x, 8, 7] ; [ŚBr.] ; ---10--- , Vārtt. 1, [Pat.] गत (with ) how is it with? ---12--- ; [Daś.] (क्व गतस् तव मय्य् अनुरागः, what has become of your affection for me ?) क्व or alone may have the same meaning (e. g. क्व सुखम्, where is happiness? i.e. there is no such thing as happiness, [Śāntiś.] ), [Pañcat.] ; [Naiṣ. i, 20] (after a negative phrase) how much less? 67, 10">---17--- क्व - or कुत्र-क्व (implying excessive incongruity) where is this? where is that? how distant is this from that? how little does this agree with that? (e.g. क्व सूर्य-प्रभवो वंशः क्व चा-ल्प-विषया मतिः, how can my limited intellect describe the solar race? [Ragh. i, 2] ), [MBh.] ; ---20--- &c. क्वापि , anywhere, somewhere, to some place, in a certain place, ---21--- ; [Pañcat.] ; [Kathās.] sometimes, [Sāh.] ; [Hit.] न क्व च , nowhere, never, iv, 29, 64">[BhP. iv, 29, 64] न क्व चन , nowhere, xiv, 560">[MBh. xiv, 560] क्व चिद् = कस्मिनिश्-चिद्, [Pañcat.] anywhere, somewhere, to any place, in a certain place, ---29--- ; [R.] ; [Śak.] &c. in a certain case, at some time, once upon a time, [Nal.] ; [Pañcat.] &c. sometimes Comm. क्वचिद्-क्वचिद् , here - there, here and there, in various places, [MBh. i] now - then, now and then, iii, 50, 7">[R. iii, 50, 7] ; ---36--- न क्वचिद् , nowhere, never, by no means, [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [Nal.] &c. क्वचिद् अपि न same meaning as that of a preceding word.'">id. , [Megh.] यत्र क्वापि , wherever, in whatsoever place, iii, 91">[Bhartṛ. iii, 91] यत्र क्व-च same meaning as that of a preceding word.'">id. , [ŚBr.] ; [ChUp.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; [BhP.] यत्र क्व-चन , in or to whatsoever place in any case or matter whatever, ix, 233">[Mn. ix, 233] whenever, 21, 9">[BhP. v, 21, 9] यत्र क्व वाथ - तत्र तत्रा-पि, wherever-there, 17, 36.">[BhP. i, 17, 36.]