चन n. ind. (च न॑, [SV.] ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force; a preceding verb is accentuated [[Pāṇ. 8-1, 57] ]; in vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other neg. particle, whereas in the later language another neg. is usually added e.g. आ॑पश् चन॑प्र॑ मिनन्ति व्रतं॑ वां, ‘not even the waters violate your ordinance’ ii, 24, 12">[RV. ii, 24, 12] ; ना॑-ह विव्याच पृथिवी॑ चनै॑-नं, ‘the earth even does not contain him’, iii, 36, 4; in class. Sanskṛt it is only used after the interrogatives क॑, कतर॑, कतम॑, कथम्, क॑द्, कदा॑, किम्, कु॑तस्, क्व, making them indefinite), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. also, vi, 26, 7; viii, 78, 10.">[RV. i, 139, 2; vi, 26, 7; viii, 78, 10.]