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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन  n. ind. (च न॑, [SV.] ) and not, also not, even not, not even (this particle is placed after the word to which it gives force; a preceding verb is accentuated [[Pāṇ. 8-1, 57] ]; in vedic language it is generally, but not always, found without any other neg. particle, whereas in the later language another neg. is usually added e.g.आ॑पश् चन॑प्र॑ मिनन्ति व्रतं॑ वां, ‘not even the waters violate your ordinanceii, 24, 12">[RV. ii, 24, 12] ; ना॑-ह विव्याच पृथिवी॑ चनै॑-नं, ‘the earth even does not contain him’, iii, 36, 4; in class. Sanskṛt it is only used after the interrogatives क॑, कतर॑, कतम॑, कथम्, क॑द्, कदा॑, किम्, कु॑तस्, क्व, making them indefinite), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. also, vi, 26, 7; viii, 78, 10.">[RV. i, 139, 2; vi, 26, 7; viii, 78, 10.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन [cana]   ind. not, not also, even not; आपश्चन प्र मिनाति व्रतं वाम् [Rv.2.24.12;] (not used by itself, but found used in combination with the pronoun किम् or its derivatives, such as कद्, कथं, क्व, कदा, कुतः to which it imparts an indefinite sense; see under किम्). note: some regard चन to be not a separate word, but a combination of च and न.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चन   r. 1st. and 10th cls. (चनति, चानयति) To hurt, to injure in any man- ner, to wound or kill, &c.
   2. To believe, to confide.
   3. To make a sound. भ्वा-पर सक-सेट् . चुरा-पर-सक-सेट् .
चन   ind. A particle affixed to certain words, giving them an indefinite signification, as कदा when, कदाचन some, when, at sometime, कः who, कश्चन some one; see चित्
   E. कन् to sound, affix अच् .

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