Dictionaries | References


   { andhaka(m), andhaka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   An Asura.
1) birth.
this Asura was the foster son of Hiraṇyākṣa. Śiva was really his father. while once Śiva was immersed in yoga his daughter closed his eyes playfully with her hands, and lo! a darkness rose and enveloped the whole place. From that darkness, with a sound as that of thunderbolt, appeared a Rākṣasa. he got the name Andhaka as he was born from darkness. At that time Hiraṇyākṣa was doing tapas for a son. Śiva appeared before him and bestowing on him Andhaka as a foster son said as follows: “If he (Andhaka) earns the hatred of the world or desires even the mother of the three worlds or kills brahmins I will myself burn him to ashes”. after saying this Śiva disappeared. [Vāmana Purāṇa, Chapter 63] .
2) Andhaka desires Pārvatī with lust.
one day overcome by erotic passion Andhaka said to his henchmen as follows: “He is my true friend who brings Śiva's consort, Pārvatī to me. Yes, he is my brother, nay, father even.” hearing these ravings of Andhaka, Prahlāda went to him and convinced him that Pārvatī, in fact was his mother. But Andhaka was not quietened. then Prahlāda explained to him the gravity of the sin of desiring other people's wives. even this had no effect on Andhaka. he sent Śambarāsura to Śiva to ask for and bring Pārvatī to him. Śiva sent word to Andhaka that if the latter would defeat him in the game of dice Pārvatī would be sent to him. Andhaka got enraged and rushed to mount Mandara and began a fight with Śiva.
3) death.
defeated in the encounter, Andhaka craved for Śiva's pardon. he admitted that Pārvatī was his mother. he also prayed for Śiva's blessings for removal of his Asurahood. Śiva granted him the prayers. The sins and Asurahood of Andhaka were thus ended. Śiva made him the head of the Asuras, named Bhṛṅgi. [Vāmana Purāṇa, Chapter 63 etc.] .
ANDHAKA I   there was a very renowned king called Andhaka in the Yadu dynasty. all kings belonging to this dynasty used to be called Andhakas.
ANDHAKA II   verse 12, chapter 4 of M.B., Udyoga Parva refers to another king called Andhaka. The Pāṇḍavas had sent to him a messenger soliciting military help.
ANDHAKA(M)   A sacred pool. A dip in this pool will bring all the benefits of a Puruṣamedha yajña. [M.B., Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 25, Verses 32, 33] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   see : अंधक


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्धक  mfn. mfn. blind
अन्धक  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of an असुर (son of कश्यप and दिति)
   of a descendant of यदु and ancestor of कृष्ण and his descendants
   also title or epithet).">N. of a मुनि.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्धक [andhaka] a.  a. [अन्ध्-कन्] blind; अन्धकः कुब्जकश्चैव [Pt. 5.91.]
   कः N. of an Asura, son of Kasyapa and Diti and killed by Śiva. [He is represented as a demon with 1 arms and heads, 2 eyes and feet, and called Andhaka, because he walked like a blind man, though he could see very well; स व्रजत्यन्धवद्यस्मा- दनन्धोऽपि हि भारत । तमन्धकोऽयं नाम्नेति प्रोचुस्तत्र निवासिनः ॥ he was slain by Śiva when he attempted to carry off the Pārijāta tree from heaven; whence Śiva is calledAndhakaripu, -ari, -dviṣ &c. according to the Matsya Purāṇa Andhaka was admitted to the class of Gaṇas by Śiva, at his importunities and humble supplication, when he was about to be killed by the god for having attempted to carry off his wife Pārvatī].
  N. N. of a descendant of Yadu and ancestor of Krisna and his descendants, a grandson of Krostu, son of Yudhājit who, together with his brother Vrisni is the ancestor of the celebrated family of Andhakavrisnis; [P.IV. 1.114,] VI.2.34.
  N. N. of a sage, son of Mamatā and of Utathya, elder brother of Bṛihaspati. -Comp.
-अरिः -रिपुः, -शत्रुः, -घाति, -असुहृढ्   &c. slayer of Andhaka, epithets of Śiva.
-वर्तः  N. N. of a mountain.-वृष्णि m. pl. descendants of अन्धक and वृष्णि.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्धक  mfn.  (-कः-का-कं) blind.
  m.  (-कः)
   1. The name of a country, apparently Behar.
   2. The name of a king.
   3. Of a Muni.
   4. Of an Asura.
   E. अन्ध to be blind, and कन् aff.

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