श्रु 1.cl. 5. P. (xxii, 44">[Dhātup. xxii, 44] ) शृणो॑ति (Ved. and ep. also Ā. शृणुते, and in [RV. 3.] sg. शृण्वे॑, 2. sg. °विषे॑, 3. pl. °विरे॑ [cf. below]; Impv. शृणु, °णुधी॑ and °णुही॑pl. शृणुता॑, °णोत and °णोतन, [RV.] ; pf. शुश्रा॑व [once in [R.] with pass. sense], शुश्रुवे [2. sg. शुश्रोथ, 1. pl. शुश्रुम, in [Up.] also °मस्; शुश्रवत्, शुश्रूया॑स्, [RV.] , p. शुश्रुव॑स्q.v. ]; aor. Ved. अ॑श्रवम्, अ॑श्रोत्, 2. sg. श्रो॑षि; Subj. श्र॑वत्, °वथः; [?] श्रुवम्, [TĀr.] ; Impv. श्रुधी॑, श्रो॑तु, [RV.] ; अश्रौषीत्, [Br.] &c.; Subj. श्रोषन्Impv. श्रोषन्तु, [RV.] [cf. श्रो॑षमाण]; Prec. श्रूया॑सम्, [AV.] &c.; fut. श्रोता, [MBh.] ; श्रोष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; inf. श्रोतुम्, [MBh.] &c.; ind.p. श्रुत्वा॑, [RV.] &c.; -श्रु॑त्य, [AV.] &c.; श्रावम्, [GṛŚrS.] &c.), to hear, listen or attend to anything ( acc. ), give ear to any one ( acc. or gen. ), hear or learn anything about ( acc. ) or from ( abl. gen. instr. , मुखात् or शकाशात्), or that anything is ( two acc. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to hear (from a teacher), study, learn, [ŚrS.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to be attentive, be obedient, obey, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.: pass. श्रूय॑ते ( ep. also °ति; and in [RV.] शृण्वे &c. [ cf. above] with pass. meaning; aor. अश्रावि, श्रावि), to be heard or perceived or learnt about ( acc. ) or from ( gen. abl. or मुखात्; in later language often 3. sg. श्रूयतेused impersonally.">impers. ‘ it is heard’, ‘ one hears or learns or reads in a book’, = ‘ it is said’, ‘ it is written in (with loc. )’; Impv. श्रूयताम्, ‘ let it be heard’ = ‘ listen!’), [RV.] &c. &c.; to be celebrated or renowned, be known as, pass for, be called ( nom. ), [RV.] ; to be heard or learnt (from a teacher), [Pañcat.] ; to be taught or stated (in a book), [Sarvad.] ; to be heard i.e. pronounced or employed (as a sound or word), [TPrāt.] Sch. : Caus. श्राव॑यति ( ep. also °ते, in [RV.] also श्रव॑यति; aor. अशुश्रवि, °वुः, [RV.] ; अशुश्रुवत्, [Br.] ; अशिश्रवत्Gr. ; pass. श्राव्यते see below), to cause to be heard or learnt, announce, proclaim, declare, [RV.] &c. &c.; to cause to hear, inform, instruct, communicate, relate, tell (with acc. of thing, and acc. gen. , or dat. of pers. , or with instr. in sense of ‘ through’), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.: pass. of Caus. श्राव्यते, to be informed of ( acc. ), [MBh.] &c.: Desid. शु॑श्रूषते ( [Pāṇ. 1-3, 57] ; ep. or mc. also °ति; pass. शुश्रूष्यते), to wish or like to hear ( acc. ), desire to attend or listen to ( dat. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; to attend upon, serve, obey ( acc. , rarely gen. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.: Caus. of Desid. शुश्रूषयति, to wait upon, be at the service of ( acc. ), [Kull.] on ii, 243">[Mn. ii, 243] : Desid. of Caus. शिश्रावयिषति or शुश्रावयिषतिGr. : Intens. शोश्रूयते, शोश्रवीति, शोश्रोतिGr. < br> श्रु [cf. Gk. κλύω, κλῦθι = श्रुधि॑, κλυτός = श्रुत॑ &c.; Lat. word is part of Etymology of ">cluo, word is part of Etymology of ">in-clutus; Slav. word is part of Etymology of ">sluti; Germ. word is part of Etymology of ">laut; Eng. word is part of Etymology of ">loud.]<br>श्रु 2. (only in श्रु॑वत्; generally an incorrect form of √ स्रु), to dissolve into parts, burst asunder, [RV. i, 127, 3.] <br>