Dictionaries | References


   { vārttā }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : बातचीत, दुर्गा, समाचार, विषय, जनश्रुति, वैश्य-कर्म


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
Tidings, intelligence, news. 2 Rumor. 3 Conversation or talk. v कर. 4 The third of the four divisions of राजनीति, explained by अर्थ- विद्या or अर्थानर्थविचार,--the business of effecting or promoting national wealth and grandeur. See आन्वीक्षिकी, त्रयी, दंडनीति. वार्त्ताही नसणें g. of s. To exist or be not even in name; to be in no degree or quantity whatever.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
वार्त्ता  f. af. See below
वार्त्ता  f. bf. livelihood, business, profession (esp. that of a वैश्यi.e. agriculture, breeding of cattle, and trade; ifc. living on or by), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
वार्त्तां-√ कीर्त्   (sometimes pl.) an account of anything that has happened, tidings, report, rumour, news, intelligence, story of or about (gen. or comp.), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] &c. ( with gen., ‘to give an account of, talk about’; का वार्त्ता, ‘what is the news?’)
वार्त्तां √ कीर्त्
उद्दिश्य   talking or talk about (gen.loc.acc. with , or comp.), ib. &c. (का वार्त्ता with loc., ‘what talk or question can there be about that?’ वार्त्तया-√ कृ with acc. ‘to talk about’; अनया वार्त्तया-पि किं कार्यम्, ‘what is to be done with her even in mere words?’) the mere mention of facts without poetical embellishment (in rhet.), [MW.]
staying, abiding, [W.]
occurrence, event, [L.]
वार्त्ताक   the egg-plant, [L.] (cf.)
वाता   a female monster, [Car.] (v.l.)
N. of दुर्गा, [DevīP.]


वार्त्ता [vārttā]   [written also as वार्ता]
Staying, abiding.
Tidings, news, intelligence; सागरिकायाः का वार्ता [Ratn.4;] अस्मिन् महामोहमये कटाहे सूर्याग्निना रात्रिदिनेन्धनेन । मासर्तुदर्वीपरि- घट्टनेन भूतानि कालः पचतीति वार्ता ॥ [Mb.]
Livehood, profession.
Agriculture, the occupation of a Vaiśya; कृषिपाशुपाल्ये वाणिज्या च वार्ता ॥ [Kau.A.1.4;] यथा वार्तादयो ह्यर्था योगस्यार्थं न बिभ्रति [Bhāg 7.15.29;] [R.16.2;] [Ms.1.] 8; [Y.1.311.]
The egg-plant.
 N. N. of Durgā.
(In Rhet.) The mere mention of facts without any rhetorical embellishment.
Comp. अनुकर्षकः, अयनः a spy.
an emissary.
a news-bearer. -अवशेषa. dead, gone.
-आरम्भः   a commercial undertaking or business; [Ms.7.43.]
-कर्मन्  n. n. the practice of agriculture and keeping cattle; वार्ताकर्मैव वैश्यस्य [Ms.1.8.]
-पतिः   an employer.
मात्रम् mere report.
superficial acquaintance with any subject, shallow knowledge.
वहः, हरः a messenger.
a chandler.
वृत्तिः one who lives on agriculture.
a house-holder.
a Vaiśya.
-व्यतिकरः   general or common report.


noun  तादृशी घटना तादृशं कार्यं वा यस्य विषये जनाः अधिकं सम्भाषणं कुर्वन्ति।   Ex. वार्तां प्रसारयितुं न अधिकः समयः आवश्यकः।
घटना (Event)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)

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