Dictionaries | References


   { ruc }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुच्   1.cl. 1. Ā. (xviii, 5">[Dhātup. xviii, 5] ) रोचते (Ved. and ep. also °ति; pf.रुरोच, रुरुचे॑, [RV.] &c. &c.; Subj.रुरुचन्तPot.रुरुच्यास्, [RV.] ; p.रुरुक्व॑स्, रुरुचान॑, ib.; aor.अरुचत्, [Rājat.] ; अरोचिष्ट, [Br.] &c.; अरुक्त, [TĀr.] ; p.रुचान॑, [RV.] ; aor.pass.अरोचि, [RV.] ; Prec.रुचीय, [TĀr.] ; रोचिषीय, [Br.] ; रुचिषीय, [AV.] ; fut.रोचिताGr.; रोचिष्यते, [MBh.] ; inf.रोचितुम्, ib.; रुचे॑, [RV.] ; ind.p.रुचित्वा or रोचित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 26] ),
to shine, be bright or radiant or resplendent, [RV.] &c. &c.;
(only in pf.P.) to make bright or resplendent, [RV.] ;
to be splendid or beautiful or good, [AV.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to be agreeable to, please (dat. or gen.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to be pleased with, like (acc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ;
to be desirous of, long for (dat.), [Hariv.] :
Caus.रोच॑यति, °ते (aor.अ॑रूरुचत्, °चत; pass.रोच्यते),
to cause to shine, [RV.] ;
to enlighten, illuminate, make bright, ib.; [ŚBr.] ; ---26--- ;
to make pleasant or beautiful, [AV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [Kum.] ;
to cause any one (acc.) to long for anything (dat.), [Gīt.] ;
to find pleasure in, like, approve, deem anything right (acc. or inf.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to choose as (double acc.), [R.] ;
to purpose, intend, [Hariv.] ;
(pass.) to be pleasant or agreeable to (dat.), [R.] :
Desid.रुरुचिषते or रुरोचिषतेGr.:
Intens. (only p.रो॑रुचान) to shine bright, [RV.] <br>रुच्   [cf.Gk.λευκός, ἀμφιλύκη; lux, luceo, luna, lumen; Goth.liuhath, lauhmuni; Germ.lioht, lieht, licht; Angl.Sax.leóht; Eng.light.]<br>रुच्  f. 2.f. light, lustre, brightness, [RV.] &c. &c.<br>   splendour, beauty, loveliness, [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.<br>   colour, hue, [VarBṛS.] ; [Kālid.] ; [BhP.] <br>   (end of a compound.*">ifc.) appearance, resemblance, [BhP.] ; [Kāvyâd.] <br>   pleasure, delight, liking, wish, desire, [VS.] ; [MBh.] <br>   pl.also title or epithet).">N. of a partic. class of अप्सरसs, [VP.] <br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुच् [ruc]   1 Ā. (रोचते, रुरुचे, अरुचत्-अरोचिष्ट, रोचिष्यते, रुचित)<br>   To shine, look splendid or beautiful, be resplendent; रुरुचिरे रुचिरेक्षणविभ्रमाः [Śi.6.46;] [Ms.3.62.] <br>   To like, be pleased with (said of persons), be agreeable to, please (of things); used with dat. of the person who is pleased and nom. of the thing; न स्रजो रुरुचिरे रमणीभ्यः [Ki.9.35;] यदेव रोचते यस्मै भवेत् तत् तस्य सुन्दरम् [H.2.53;] sometimes with gen. of person; दारिद्र्यान्मरणाद् वा मरणं मम रोचते न दारिद्र्यम् [Mk.1.11.] -Caus. (रोचयति-ते)<br>   To cause to like, make pleasant or agreeable; यतात्मने रोचयितुं यतस्व [Ku.3.16.] <br>   To illuminate, irradiate.<br>   To like, find pleasure in.<br>   To resolve -Desid. (रुरु-रो-चिषते) To wish to like &c.<br>रुच् [ruc] रुचा [rucā]   रुचा f. [रुच्-क्विप् वा टाप्]<br>   light, lustre, lustre, brightness; क्षणदासु यत्र च रुचैकतां गताः [Śi.13.53;9.23,25;] शिखरमणिरुचः [Ki.5.43;] [Me.46.] <br>   splendour, loveliness, beauty.<br>   colour, appearance (at the end of comp.); चलयन्भृङ्गरुचस्तवालकान् [R.8.53;] [Ku.3.65;] [Ś.1.15;] [Ki.5.45.] <br>   liking, desire.<br>   lightning.<br>   The note of the parrot or Mainā.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
रुच्   r. 1st cl. (रोचते)<br>   1. To shine.<br>   2. To please, to be pleased.<br>रुच्  f.  (-रुक्)<br>   1. light, lustre, splendour.<br>   2. beauty, loveliness.<br>   3. light- ning.<br>   4. wish, desire.<br>   5. The chattering of the parrot or Mainā. 6. The rig-veda.<br>   E. रुच् to shine, aff. क्विप्; also<br>
रुच् क्विप्;
   with टाप् added रुचा .<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  प्रकृत्या कार्यविशेषस्य स्पृहानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. मह्यं कथालेखनं रोचते। <br>
होना इत्यादि (VOS)">मानसिक अवस्थासूचक (Mental State)अवस्थासूचक क्रिया (Verb of State)क्रिया (Verb)
 verb  आस्वादनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. मह्यम् इदं कार्यं नैव रोचते। <br>
होना इत्यादि (VOS)">मानसिक अवस्थासूचक (Mental State)अवस्थासूचक क्रिया (Verb of State)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : स्पृह्, चकास्, प्रकाशः<br>

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