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   { ṛju }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


ऋजु n.  (सो. वृष्णि.) भागवतमतानुसार वसुदेव देवकी का कंस द्वारा मारा गया पुत्रविष्णु के मतानुसार ऋभुदास, मत्स्य के मतानुसार ऋषिवास तथा वायु के मतानुसार ऋजुदाय नाम हैं ।


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   straight, direct. fig. honest, upright, fair, guil less, artless.



A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋजु  mfn. mf(ज्वी॑)n. (√ अर्ज्, [Uṇ. i, 28] ; probably fr.2.ऋञ्ज्, col.3 [BRD.] ), tending in a straight direction, straight (lit. and fig.; opp. to वृजिन॑), upright, honest, right, sincere, [RV.] ; xiv, 1, 34">[AV. xiv, 1, 34] ; [TS.] &c., [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
ऋजु  n. ind. in the right manner, correctly, ii, 3, 7; v, 46, 1; x, 67, 2">[RV. ii, 3, 7; v, 46, 1; x, 67, 2] ; iii, 3, 10">[AitBr. iii, 3, 10]
   in a straight line, straight on [Suśr.] &c.
ऋजु   compar.ऋ॑जीयस्, vii, 104, 12">---10--- ; 14, 12; viii, 4, 12, and">[AV. v, 14, 12; viii, 4, 12, and] रजीयस्, ---12---
ऋजु   superl.ऋजिष्ठ, [Pāṇ., and] र॑जिष्ठ, ---14---
ऋजु   ([observe that the metaphorical meaning of this word is more common in vedic, and the literal meaning in classical literature])
ऋजु  m. m. (उस्) also title or epithet).">N. of a son of वसु-देव, [BhP.]
ऋजु   [cf.Zd.word is part of Etymology of ">ĕrĕzu; Gk.ὀρέγω; Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">rectus; Goth.word is part of Etymology of ">raihts; Eng.word is part of Etymology of ">right.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋजु [ṛju] ऋजुक [ṛjuka]   ऋजुक a. [अर्जयति गुणान्, अर्ज्-उ [Tv.] ] (जु or ज्वी f.) (compar. ऋजीयस्, superl. ऋजिष्ठ)
   straight (fig. also); उमां स पश्यन् ऋजुनैव चक्षुषा [Ku.5.32;] [Śi.1.13,] 12.18,2.77; ˚प्रणाम [R.6.25.]
   upright, honest, straight-forward; ऋजूननृजवः [Pt.1.415.]
   Simpleminded, plain; [Mk.5;] [Ratn.2,3.]
   favourable, beneficial, good. -ind. In the right manner, correctly; [Rv.2.3.7.] -Comp.
-आयत a.  a. sitting or being upright and stretched up or distended; ऋज्वायतं संनमितोभयांसम् [Ku.3.45;] [M.2.7.]
-कायः   The sage कश्यप.
-क्रतु a.  a. acting righteously; N. of indra; यूथा गवामृजुक्रतुः ---10---
   गः one who is honest in his dealings; स नो मृडाति तन्व ऋजुगः [Av.1.12.1.]
   an arrow.-गाथ a. Ved. singing correctly; धारवाकेष्वृजुगाथ शोभसे ---12---
-नीतिः  f. f. Ved. right conduct; guidance; ऋजुनीती नो वरुणो [Rv.1.9.1.]
-मिताक्षरा  N. N. of a commentary on Yājñavalkya's law-book, generally called Mitākṣarā.
-रोहितम्   the straight red bow of indra.-लेख a. rectilinear.
-खा   straight line.
-वनि,   -हस्तa. granting auspicious gifts; स्मत् सूरिभिर्ऋजुहस्त ऋजुवनिः ---14---


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋजु  mfn.  (-जुः-जुः-जु)
   1. straight.
   2. straight metaphorically, as in morals, upright, honest.
   E. ऋज् to go, affix कु.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  अवक्रम्।   Ex. ऋजुः इति सच्चरितस्य लक्षणम्। / उमां स पश्यन् ऋजुनैव चक्षुषा [कु 5.32]
गुण (Quality)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : सरल

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