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   { saṃvid }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं   a.-√ 1.विद्cl. 2. P.Ā-वेत्ति, -वित्ते, (3. pl.-विदते, or -विद्रते, [Pāṇ. 7-1, 7] ), to know together, know thoroughly, know, recognize, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to perceive, feel, taste, [Suśr.] ;
to come to an understanding, agree with, approve (acc.), [MBh.] ; [R.] :
Caus.-वेदयति, to cause to know or perceive, [PraśnUp.] ;
to make known, declare, [MBh.] ;
to know, perceive, [Bhaṭṭ.] :
Caus. see सं-वेदित.
सं-विद्  f. 1.f. consciousness, intellect, knowledge, understanding (in phil. = महत्), [VS.] &c. &c.
   perception, feeling, sense of (gen. or comp.), [Rājat.] ; ---10--- ; ---11---
   a partic. stage of योग to be attained by retention of the breath, ---12---
कृ   a mutual understanding, agreement, contract, covenant (acc. with √ or Caus. of √ स्था or वि-√ धा, ‘to make an agreement with’, instr. [with and without सह, or gen.] or ‘to’ [inf. or dat.]; with Caus. of √ लङ्घ् or व्यति-√ क्रम्, ‘to break an agreement’), ---13--- ; ---14--- ; [MBh.] &c.
   an appointment, rendezvous, [BhP.]
   a plan, scheme, device, [Rājat.]
   conversation, talk about (comp.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   news, tidings, [MBh.]
   prescribed custom, established usage, xii, 35">[Śiś. xii, 35]
   a name, appellation, ib.
तोषण   satisfying (= ), xvi, 47">[Śiś. xvi, 47] (Sch.)
   hemp, [L.]
   war, battle, [L.]
   a watch-word, war-cry, [W.]
   a sign, signal, ib.
सं   b.-√ 2.विद्Ā. (cf.[Pāṇ. 1-3, 29] ) -विन्दते (p.-विदान॑q.v.), to find, obtain, acquire, [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; ---29--- ;
to meet with (instr.), be joined or united to, [AV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] :
pass.-विद्यते, to be found or obtained, be there, exist, [Buddh.] :
Intens. see -वे॑विदान below.
सं-विद्  f. 2.f. acquisition, property, [MaitrS.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संविद् [saṃvid]   I. 2 [P.]
   To know, be aware of; संवित्तः सह- युध्वानौ तच्छक्तिं खरदूषणौ [Bk.5.37;8.17.]
   To recognize.
   To investigate, examine.
   To perceive, feel, experience.
   To advise.
   To come to an understanding, agree upon.
   To think over, meditate. -ii. 6 [U.]
   To get, obtain.
   To meet together. -Caus.
   To make known, inform, announce.
   To know, percieve, observe
   To cause to know or perceive; समवेद्यन्त च द्विषः [Bk.17.63.]
संविद् [saṃvid]  f. f.
   knowledge, understanding, intellect; यत्रेमे सदसद्रूपे प्रतिषिद्धे स्वसंविदा [Bhāg.1.3.33;] असंविदानस्य ममेश संविदाम् [Ki.18.42.]
   consciousness, perception; त्वत्स्नेहसंविदवलम्बितजीवितानि [Māl.6.13.]
   An agreement, engagement, contract, covenant, promise; स राजलोकः कृतपूर्वसंवित् [R.7.31;] ततो देवासुराः कृत्वा संविदं कृतसौहृदाः [Bhāg.8.6.32;] [Ms.8.5.]
   assent, consent.
   An established usage, a prescribed custom; रथस्थाः संविदं कृत्वा सुखां पृष्ट्वा च शर्वरीम् ---10--- प्रसादिनोऽनु- ज्झितगोत्रसंविदः ---11---
   war, battle, fight.
   A war-cry, watch-word.
   A name, an appellation.
   A sign, signal.
   pleasing, delighting, gratification; अबुधैः कृतमानसंविदः ---12---
   sympathy, participation.
   conversation; रहसि संविदो या हृदिस्पृशः ---13---
   agreement of opinion; स्तुतीरलभमानानां संविदं वेदनिश्चितान् ---14---
   acquaintance, friendship; संविदा देयम् [T. Up.1.11.3.]
   A plan, scheme.
   news, tidings. -Comp.
-व्यतिक्रमः   breach of promise, violation of a contract.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संविद्  f.  (-वित् or विद्)
   1. intellect, understanding.
   2. promise, assent. 3. contract, engagement, agreement, covenant.
   4. knowledge.
   5. A watch-word, a cry of battle.
   6. war, battle.
   7. name, appella- tion.
   8. sign, signal.
   9. institute, prescribed custom or observa- tion.
   10. pleasing, delighting.
   11. sympathy.
   12. conversation. 13. meditation.
   14. hemp.
   E. सम् with, together with, विद् to know, &c., aff. क्विप् .
सम् विद् क्विप् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  अयं वैधिकनियमानां सङ्ग्रहः यः जालकृतौ दत्तांशप्रसारणपद्धतिं निरूपयति।   Ex. संविदः नैके स्तराः भवन्ति।
समूह (Group)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : अर्ज्, समयः, प्रतिज्ञा, अभ्युपगमः, समयः

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