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   { vyabhicārin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्य्-अभिचारिन्  mfn. mfn. going astray, straying or deviating or diverging from (abl.), [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] &c.
   following bad courses, doing what is improper, profligate, wanton, unchaste (esp. said of women), faithless towards (gen.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
स्थायिन्   changeable, inconstant (opp. to ; cf.°रि-भाव above), [MBh.] ; [Sāh.] ; [Pratāp.]
समय-व्य्°   (ifc.) transgressing, violating, breaking (see )
समय व्य्°
   irregular, anomalous, [MW.]
   (a word) having a non-primitive or secondary meaning, having several meanings, ib.
व्य्-अभिचारिन्  n. n. anything transitory (as feelings &c.), ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यभिचारिन् [vyabhicārin] a.  a. Straying or deviating from, going astray, erring, trespassing; निगृह्य दापयेच्चैनं समयव्यभिचारिणम् [Ms.8.22.]
   irregular, anomalous.
   untrue, false; see अव्यभिचारिन्.
   faithless, unchaste, adulterous.
   profligate, wanton.
   Departing from its usual meaning, having several secondary meanings (as a word).
   changeable, inconstant; नात्मा जजान न मरिष्यति नैधतेऽसौ न क्षीयते सवनविद्व्यभिचारिणां हि [Bhāg.11.3.38.] -m.,
-व्यभिचारिभावः   A transitory feeling, an accessory (opp. स्थायिन् or स्थायिभाव q. v.). (though like the Sthāyibhāvas these accessories do not form a necessary substratum of any rasa, still they act as feeders to the prevailing sentiment, and strengthen it in various ways, whether openly or covertly. they are said to be 33 or 34 in number; for an enumeration of these, see K. [P. Kārikās 31-34,] [S. D.169] or R. G. first Ānana; cf. विभाव and स्थायिभाव also).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
व्यभिचारिन्  mfn.  (-री-रिणी-रि)
   1. following or doing improper.
   2. going astray, (literally or figuratively.)
  n.  (-रि) A property, or class of properties into which feelings and emotions, as objects of poeti- cal description are classed; or the transitory feeling, (op. to स्थायिन्) which does not pervade a composition but, if properly developed at any stage, strengthens the prevailing sentiment. the BHĀVAS called VYABHICHĀRIS are thirty-two in number, to which two others are sometimes added, making thirty- four, viz:--1. NIRVEDA, humility, self-abasement;
   2. GLĀNI, weakness, exhaustion;
   3. ŚANKĀ, apprehension;
   4. ASŪĀ, calumny;
   5. MADA, inebriety;
   6. ŚHRAMA, fatigue;
   7. ĀLASYA, indolence;
   8. DAINYA, indigence, distress.
   6. CHINTĀ, secret desire; contemplation of the object beloved;
   10. MOHA, loss of sense or presence of mind from fear, anxiety, &c.;
   11. SMRITĪ, recollection but especially the recollection of an absent or faithless lover exci- ted by present objects;
   12. DHRITĪ, the enjoyment or consciousness of amatory woe, resignation or abandonment to despair, &c.;
   13. VṚDA, shame;
   14. CHAPALATĀ, fickleness, unsteadiness, want of firmness and steadiness;
   15. HARSA, delight;
   16. ĀBEGA, hurry, flurried haste;
   17. JARATĀ, ignorance, imbecility;
   18. GARBA, pride, arrogance;
   19. BISHĀDA, want of energy or spirits, depress- ion of mind;
   20. AUTSUKYA, regret, painful remembrance of some object lost or absent;
   21. NIDRĀ, sluggishness, sleepiness;
   22. APASMĀRA, epilepsy;
   23. ŚUPTA, sleep;
   24. BIBODHA, waking;
   25. AMARSHA, wrathful impatience;
   26. AVAHITTHĀ, dissimulation;
   27. UGRATĀ, passion, rage;
   28. MATI, intelligence, knowledge;
   29. UPĀLAMBHA, reviling;
   30. BYĀDHI, sickness, disease;
   31. UNMĀDA, madness, delirium;
   32. MARAṆA, death; the other two are,
   33. TRĀSA, fear;
   34. BITARKA, doubt, deliberation.
  f.  (-रिणी) A wanton woman, an unchaste wife.
   E. वि and अभि before चर् to go, aff. णिनि.
वि अभि चर् णिनि


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 adjective  यः व्यभिचारः करोति।   Ex. आदिवासीजनैः एकः व्यभिचारी कर्मकरः ताडितः।
गुणसूचक (Qualitative)विवरणात्मक (Descriptive)विशेषण (Adjective)

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