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   { saṃstha }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   saṃstha a S That stays, stops, abides, resides, inheres, in, at, or with. In comp. as जलसंस्थ An inhabitant of water; वृक्षसंस्थ A dweller in trees; स्वर्गसंस्थ, नरकसंस्थ, पातालसंस्थ. 2 That stops, ends, or terminates at or in. In comp. as दक्षिण- संस्थ, प्राक्संस्थ, उदक्संस्थ.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   That stays, inheres in, at, or with. That terminates at. In comp.


 वि.  १ राहणारें ; थांबणारें ; वास करणारें ; अधिष्ठित . उदा० जलसंस्थ = पाण्यांत राहणारा ; वृक्षसंस्थ = झाडांत राहणारा ; स्वर्गसंस्थ = स्वर्गांत राहणारा . २ कडे शेवट होणारें , पसरणारें ; बाजूला , दिशेकडे असणारें . उदा० दक्षिणसंस्थ ; प्राक्संस्थ ; उदक् ‍ संस्थ . [ सं . सम् ‍ + स्था ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं-स्थ  mfn. mf()n. standing together, standing or staying or resting or being in or on, contained in (loc. or comp.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
सं स्थ
   being in or with, belonging to (loc. or comp.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
   based or resting or dependent on (loc.), [MBh.]
   partaking or possessed of (comp.), [MBh.] ; [Pañcat.]
   existing, lasting for a time (comp.), [Vet.]
   ended, perished, dead, [L.]
सं-स्थ  m. m. presence (only loc. ‘in the presence or midst of.’ with चिद्, ‘by one's mere presence’), [RV.]
सं स्थ
संस्था   a spy, secret emissary (cf. below), ---10---
   a dweller, resident, inhabitant, ---11---
   a fellow-countryman, neighbour, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संस्थ [saṃstha]   a.
   staying, abiding, lasting.
   dwelling, being, existing, situated (at the end of comp.); जवेना- त्मनि संस्थेन सोऽसौ पूर्ण इवार्णवः [Rām.7.36.27;] शिष्टा क्रिया कस्यचिदात्मसंस्था [M.1.16;] [Ku.6.6;] निसर्गभिन्नास्पदमेकसंस्थम् [R.6.29;] [Māl.5.16.]
   tame, domesticated.
   fixed, stationary.
   ended, perished, dead.
   come to an end, completed.
   manifested (व्यक्त).
   स्थः A dweller, an inhabitant.
   A neighbour, countryman.
   A spy.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संस्थ  mfn.  (-स्थः-स्था-स्थं)
   1. staying, stopping, fixed, stationary.
   2. stay- ing with, associated, domesticated.
  m.  (-स्थः)
   1. A spy, a secret emissary.
   2. A countryman, a neighbour, a person of the same country, &c.
   3. A dweller, an inhabitant.
  f.  (-स्था)
   1. continuance in the right way, correct conduct.
   2. state or condition of being, time of life, &c.
   3. occupation, business, profession.
   4. stop, stay.
   5. end, completion.
   6. manifestation, appearance.
   7. Resem- blance, likeness.
   8. A sort of sacrifice.
   9. loss, destruction.
   10. [Page747-b+ 60] death, dying.
   11. form.
   12. An assembly.
   13. A royal ordinance.
   E. सम् implying completeness, association, &c., and ष्ठा to stay, affs. or अङ् and टाप् .
सम् ष्ठा अङ् टाप् .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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