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   { vivāhḥ, vivāha (marriage) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
VIVĀHA (marriage)   
1) general information.
In ancient india marriage was considered to be a sacrifice performed in accordance with social customs. marriage was allowed to those who had completed education at the age of sixteen. (Samāvartana). father or teacher teaches the pupil the Vedas and Vedāṅgas. When the education is completed the teacher or father makes him sit on a seat decorated with flowers, sandalwood etc. and do Godānavrata. then he is offered Pañcāmṛta (milk, curd, butter, honey and water). this is called Samāvartana. With this his brahmacarya ends, and he is allowed to marry and lead the life of a house-holder. marriage is a ceremony with four secondary rites viz, Kanyādāna, Śacīyāga, Vivāha, Caturthīkarman. if the husband is dead, or lost, or has renounced the world, or has become a eunuch or is expelled from society, the woman is allowed to take another husband. if the husband dies, the wife should be given to the brother of the husband. if there is no brother she could accept anybody whom she likes.
2) eight kinds of marriages.
The woman and man should not be of the same Gotra (family). one could marry a girl who is above seven generations on the paternal line and above five generations on the maternal line. eight types of marriages allowed in [Manusmṛti, Chapter 3] , are given below:
(i) Brāhma.
A man of good qualities and good family is asked to come and receive the damsel. this is Brāhma. The radiance of this marriage will give the man prosperity.
i) Ārṣa.
after getting a couple of cows from the bridegroom the bride is given to him.
i) Prājāpatya.
The virgin is given to the man, who had requested for her hand as a duty.
v) Daiva.
The virgin is offered to the master who is engaged in performing a sacrifice.
(v) Gāndharva.
marriage between a man and a woman with equal love on either part.
i) Āsura.
giving money in return for the damsel and marrying her. this type is mean.
i) Rākṣasa.
carrying the damsel away by fight or force.
i) Paiśāca.
Marrying a damsel when she is sleeping or lying unconscious.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   see : शादी, विवाह समारोह


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  marriage, matrimony or wedlock.



मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 


  पु. लग्न ; स्त्रीपुरुषांमध्यें दांपत्यसंबंध उत्पन्न करणारा विधि , संस्कार , पध्दति . याचे आठ प्रकार मनुस्मृतींत सांगितले आहेत - ब्राह्म , दैव , आर्ष , प्राजापत्य , आसुर , गांधर्व , राक्षस , पैशाच . [ सं . वि + बह् ‍ ; सिं . विहाउ ; हिं . ब्याह ] विवाहणें - उक्रि . १ लग्न करणें ; पत्नीचें पाणिग्रहण करणें . २ लग्न लावणें ; लग्नांत देणें ( मुलीस ). विवाहमेळ - पु . विवाहप्रसंग ; विवाह समारंभ ; विवाहसंस्कार . म्हणसी मी सोयरा अति काळाकां बोलाविसी विवाहमेळा । - एरुस्व ४ . १२ . विवाह होम - पु . विवाहाच्या प्रसंगीं गृह्याग्निसिध्द करून करावयाचा होम . विवाहित - वि . लग्न झालेला . विवाही - पु . व्याही ; आपल्या मुलाचा किंवा मुलीचा सासरा . विवाहोपचार - पु . लग्नप्रसंगीं करावयाचे विधी , संस्कार , होम वगैरे विशिष्ट गोष्टी . विवाह्य - वि . लग्न व्हावयास योग्य , लायक , शक्य , जरूर ; ज्याचें लग्न व्हावयाचें आहे असा .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-वाह  m. m. leading away (of the bride from her father's house), taking a wife, marriage with (instr. with or without सह), [AV.] ; &c. (eight kinds of marriage are enumerated in iii, 21">[Mn. iii, 21] , viz.ब्राह्म, दैव, आर्ष, प्राजापत्य, आसुर, गान्धर्व, राक्षस, and पैशाच; cf.58-61">[Yājñ. i, 58-61] and, 190 &c.">[IW. 190 &c.] )
वि वाह
वि-वह   a partic. wind, [Śak.] Sch. (prob.w.r. for )
वि वह
   a vehicle (and ‘marriage’), vii, 13">[AitBr. vii, 13]
वि-वाह  n. n. a partic. high number, [Buddh.]
वि वाह


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विवाहः [vivāhḥ]   marriage; (hindu lawgivers enumerate eight forms of marriage; ब्राह्मो दैवस्तथैवार्षः प्राजापत्यस्तथाऽऽसुरः । गांधर्वो राक्षसश्चैव पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽधमः ॥ [Ms.3.21;] see [Y.1.] 58-61 also; for explanation of these forms see s. v.).-Comp.
-चतुष्टयम्   marrying four wives.
-दीक्षा   the marriage ceremony or rite; विवाहदीक्षां निरवर्तयद् गुरुः [R.3.33.]
-नेपथ्यम्, -वेषः   a marriage-dress.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विवाह  m.  (-हः) marriage; eight recognized forms of marriage are enu- merated by hindu law-givers, viz:-- “ब्राह्मो दैवस्तथैवार्षः प्राजापत्यस्तथासुरः . गान्धर्वो राक्षसश्चैव पैशाचश्चाष्टमोऽधमः ..”
   E. वि mutually, वह् to take, aff. घञ् .
वि वह् घञ् .

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