ग्रहण mfn. mfn.ifc. seizing, holding, [Hariv. 2734] resounding in (?), ii, 0/1, 6">[Śak. ii, 0/1, 6] ग्रहण n. n. the hand, [L.] an organ of sense, [Yogas. i, 41] a prisoner, xiii, 2051">[MBh. xiii, 2051] वचन a word mentioned or employed (e.g. -, ‘the word ’), [Pat.] and, [Kāś.] seizing, holding, taking, [ŚBr. xiv] ; ii, 317">[Mn. ii, 317] ; [MBh.] &c. taking by the hand, marrying, i, 1044 catching, seizure, taking captive, ---10--- ; ---11--- &c. seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession, [Hcat.] seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse, ---13--- ; [Yājñ. i, 218] ; [VarBṛS.] &c. gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance, [R. i, 3, 18] ; [Pañcat.] ; xci, 37">---18--- choosing, [Sāṃkhyak.] ; [Prab.] ; vi, 201">---21--- purchasing, ---22--- taking or drawing up (any fluid), [ŚBr. iv] ; KātyŚr. the taking up of sound, echo, ---24--- attraction, [Megh.] ; vii, 24">[Ragh. vii, 24] ; 13, 5/6">[Pañcat. v, 13, 5/6] putting on (clothes), ii, 840">[MBh. ii, 840] ; xvii, 21">[Ragh. xvii, 21] assuming (a shape), iii, 69">[Yājñ. iii, 69] ; [MBh. xiv] ; [Devīm.] undertaking, devoting one's self to (in comp. ), 76, 22">[R. v, 76, 22] ; [Pañcat.] service, iii, 1, 44">[BhP. iii, 1, 44] including, [Pāṇ.] ; ---37--- mentioning, employing (a word or expression), KātyŚr.; [Lāṭy.] ; [VPrāt.] ; [Pāṇ.] , Vārtt. , ---41--- and, [Kāś.] ; vi, 205">[Sāh. vi, 205] mentioning with praise, acknowledgment, ---44--- assent, agreement, [W.] perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science, ii, 173">[Mn. ii, 173] ; iii, xiv">[MBh. iii, xiv] ; [Ragh.] &c. acceptation, meaning, [Pāṇ. 1-1, 68] , Vārtt. 5, [Pat.] ; [Kāś.] and, [Siddh.] on [Pāṇ.] ग्रहण (cf. कर-, केश-, गर्भ-, चक्षुर्-, नाम-, पाणि-, पुनर्-.)