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   { ākṣip }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आ-√ क्षिप्   -क्षिपति (ind.p.-क्षिप्य) to throw down upon (loc.) or towards (dat.), [MBh.] &c.;
to strike with a bolt, vi, 78, 5">[R. vi, 78, 5] ;
to convulse, cause to tremble, [Suśr.] ;
to draw or take off or away, withdraw from (abl.), [MBh.] &c.;
to chase or drive out of a place (abl.), disperse, iii, 539">[MBh. iii, 539] ; [BhP.] ;
to put into (loc.), [Suśr.] ;
to point to, refer to, hint, indicate, [Pāṇ. 6-3, 34] ; [Siddh.] ; [Sāh.] &c.;
to refuse, object to (acc.), iii, 16117">[MBh. iii, 16117] ; [Kāvyâd.] &c.;
to insult, deride, iv, 141">[Mn. iv, 141] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to excel so as to put to shame;
(perf.-चिक्षेप) to challenge, call to a dispute &c. (dat.), [Kathās.] :
Caus. (perf.-क्षेपयाम् आस) to cause to throw down, iii, 15733.">[MBh. iii, 15733.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आक्षिप् [ākṣip]   6 U. To throw or cast down, dash down; फलं तरङ्गाक्षिप्तम् [Pt.4;] शिलायामाक्षिप्य. [Pt.1.]
   to attract, entice, allure, win over; यथा नाक्षिप्यसे विषयैः [K.19;] [Śi.1.79]
   To strike with a dart, missile &c.
   To draw near or together, contract, convulse (used in medicine).
   To interrupt, cut short, एवंवादिनो वचनमाक्षिप्य [K.18,27;] [Ve.6.]
   To draw back or withdraw; take or throw of, snatch or draw away, pull off; अग्रपादमाक्षिप्य [R.7.7;] [Ku.7.58] वासो बलादाक्षिपन् [Bh.1.43;] [Me.7.]
   To chase, drive out of a place, remove; स एतानाक्षिपद्राष्ट्रात् mb.; आक्षिप्ता- धिकारयोः [Mu.1.]
   To hang out, expose to view (as a banner).
   To point to, refer to, hint at, indicate; वस्तुतस्तु नेह पूर्वपदमाक्षिप्यते [P.VI.3.34] Sk.; अश्वादय आक्षिप्यन्ते [S. D.2.]
   To reject, neglect, disregard, spurn; [Amaru.85.]
   To object to (as argument).
   To insult; अरेरे राधागर्भभारभूत किमेवमा- क्षिपसि [Ve.3;] to blame; [Śānti.1.18.]
   To eclipse, obscure; आक्षिपन्तीमिव प्रभां शशिनः स्वेन तेजसा [Mb.]
   To infer (from circumstance); जात्या व्यक्तिराक्षिप्यते [K. P.2.]
   To say or state ironically.
   To pass (as time); याचिनस्तु न च कालमाक्षिपत् [Śi.14.45.]


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