स्फुट [sphuṭa] a. a. [स्फुट्-क]
Burst, rent asunder, broken, split.
Opened, expanded, full-blown; स्फुटपरागपरागत- पङ्कजम्
[Śi.6.2,5.] Manifested, displayed, made clear.
Clear, plain, distinctly visible or manifest; अत्र स्फुटो न कश्चिदलंकारः
[K. P.1;] [Ku.5.44;] [Me.72;] [Ki. 11.44.] Bursting into view; कदम्बयष्टिः स्फुटकोरकेव
[U.3.] 42.
White, bright, pure; मुक्ताफलं वा स्फुटविद्रुमस्थम्
[Ku.1.44.] Well-known, famous; स्फुटनृत्यलीलमभवत् सुतनोः
[Śi.9.79] (= प्रथित).
Spread, diffused.
Apparent, true.
Extraordinary, strange.
-टा, -टः The expanded hood of a snake.
-टम् ind. Clearly, evidently, distinctly, certainly, manifestly. -Comp.
-अर्थ a.
intelligible, obvious.
-तार a. a. bright or gemmend with stars.-पुण्डरीकम् the expanded (lotus of the) heart; अध्याशयो वा स्फुटपुण्डरीकं पुराधिराजं तदलंचकार
[Bu. Ch.1.9.] -फलम् (in geom.)
distinct or precise area of a triangle.
the clear or net result of any calculation.
-वल्कली the heart-plant (Mar. मालकांगोणी).
-सारः the true latitude of a star or planet (?).
-सूर्यगतिः f. f. the apparent or true motion of the sun.