Dictionaries | References


   { vilāsḥ, vilāsa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
VILĀSA   A hermit who was the friend of Bhāsa. this hermit did penance in Paścimataṭa. it is mentioned in Yogavāsiṣṭha that Vilāsa and Bhāsa attained heaven by pure knowledge.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  स्त्रियों की पुरुषों के प्रति अनुरागसूचक चेष्टाएँ   Ex. आशीष की सहकर्मिणी का विलास काम कर गया
शारीरिक कार्य (Physical)कार्य (action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : खुशी, मनोरंजन


विलास n.  पश्र्चिमी घाट में रहनेवाला एक तपस्वी। इसके मित्र का नाम भास था । ‘विमलज्ञान’ की प्राप्ति हो कर ये दोनों मुक्त हुए [यो. वा. ५.३५-६७]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   sport, play, pastime, dalliance; diversion esp. with women and dancers and singers. 2 wanton pleasure or loose airy gratification generally. 3 one of the classes of feminine action indicative of the passion of love,--amorous blandishments or affectation of coyness &c.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 



  पु. क्रीडा ; खेळ ; करमणूक ; कालविनोदन ; करमणूक ( विशेषतः स्त्रिया , नर्तकी , गाणारणी बरोबर ). २ चैन ; मजा ; रंगेलपणा ; स्वैर भोग . ३ स्त्रियांचा प्रेमदर्शक हावभाव ; कामचेष्टा ; नखरा ( भ्रूसंकेत , लाजणें , मुरडणें वगैरे ). [ सं . वि + लस् ‍ ] विलासिनी - स्त्री . विलास करणारी स्त्री . - ज्ञा ९ . ३२३ . विलोकुनि विलासिनी जन पुनःपुन्हा कामुक । - केका १०१ . विलासी - वि . १ खेळकर ; क्रीडासक्त ; आनंदी . २ चैनी ; कामुक ; विषयलोलुप ; भोगी ; गुलहौशी .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-लास  f. m. (ifc.f(). ) shining forth, appearance, manifestation, [Ṛt.] ; [Gīt.]
वि लास
°साय   sport, play, pastime, pleasure, diversion (esp. with women &c.; but also applied to any playful action or gesture), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (, ‘for sport’)
   coquetry, affectation of coyness, wantonness (a form of feminine gesture considered as indicative of amorous sentiments), [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Daśar.] ; [Sāh.]
   liveliness, joviality (considered as a masculine virtue), ii, 9">[Daśar. ii, 9]
   wantonness, lust, [Daśar.] ; [Sāh.]
   grace, charm, beauty, [BhP.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a gram. wk.
आचार्य   (with ) of a preceptor, [Cat.]
वि-लास  f. n. (and f(). ) also title or epithet).">N. of a metre, [VarBṛS.]
वि लास


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विलासः [vilāsḥ]   1 sport, play, pastime.
   amorous pastime, diversion, pleasure; as in विलासमेखला [R.8.64;] so विलासकाननम्, विलासमन्दिरम् &c.
   coquetry, dalliance, affectation, wantonness, graceful movement or play, any feminine gesture indicative of amorous sentiment; यातं यच्च नितम्बयोर्गुरुतया मन्दं विलासादिव [Ś.2.2;] कविकुलगुरुः कालि- दासो विलासः [P. R.1.22;] [Śi.9.26.]
   grace, beauty, elegance, charm; सहजविलासनिबन्धनं शरीरम् [Māl.2.6.]
   flash, gleam.
   liveliness, joviality (considered as a masculine virtue); शोभा विलासो माधुर्यं ...... पौरुषा गुणाः [Daśarupaka 2.1.]
   lust. -Comp.
-काननम्   a pleasure-grove.
-गृहम्, -मन्दिरम्   a pleasure house.-चेष्टितम् amorous movement; लतासु तन्वीषु विलासचेष्टितम् [Ku.5.13.]
-भित्तिः   a wall (only) in appearance.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विलास  m.  (-सः)
   1. one kind of feminine action, considered as proceed- ing from and indicative of amorous sentiments; change of place, posture, gait or look, on the approach of the lover, as hiding at his approach, assuming a look of dipleasure, &c.
   2. sport, pastime, play, especially amorous pastime, dalliance, wantonness.
   3. grace, elegance.
   4. ease, facility.
   E. वि before लस् to desire, aff. घञ् .
वि लस् घञ् .

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