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   { śaṃs }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शंस्   cl. 1. P. (xvii, 79">[Dhātup. xvii, 79] ) शं॑सति (mc. also Ā.; pf.शशंस, °से, [Br.] &c.; शंसुः, °सिरे, [MBh.] ; p.शंसिवस्q.v.; aor.अशंसीत्, [RV.] &c., &c.: Subj.शंसिषत्, [RV.] ; [Br.] ; 2. pl.शस्त, [RV.] ; शस्तात्, [AitBr.] ; 1. sg.शंसि, [RV.] ; Prec.शस्यात्. gr.; fut.शंसिता, ib.; शंसिष्यति, [Br.] &c.; inf.शंसितुम्, [MBh.] ; -शसे, [RV.] ; ind.p.शस्त्वा॑, -शस्य, -शंसम्, [Br.] &c.; -शंस्य, [MBh.] ),
to recite, repeat (esp. applied to the recitation of texts in the invocations addressed by the होतृ to the अध्वर्यु, when is written शोंस् and the formulas शोंसामस्, शोंसावस्, शोंसाव are used; see 2.आ-हाव), [RV.] ; [Br.] [ŚrS.] ;
to praise, extol, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to praise, commend, approve, [VarBṛS.] ;
to vow, make a vow (?), 85, 9">[RV. x, 85, 9] ;
to wish anything (acc.) to (dat.), ib. 124, 3 to relate, say, tell, report, declare, announce to (gen. or dat.; ‘who or where anybody is’ acc.; also with two acc, ‘to declare anybody or anything to be-’), [AV.] &c. &c.;
to foretell, predict, prognosticate, [R.] ; [Kum.] &c.;
to calumniate, revile, [W.] ;
to hurt, injure, [Dhātup.] ;
to be unhappy, ib. :
pass.शस्य॑ते, to be recited or uttered or praised or approved, [RV.] &c. &c.:
Caus.शंसयति (aor.अशशंसत्), to cause to repeat or recite, [AitBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] ; [BhP.] ;
to predict, foretell, [R.] :
Intens.शाशस्यते, शाशंस्ति, ib.<br>शंस्   [cf.Lat.carmen for casmen; casmēnacamēna; censeo.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शंस् [śaṃs]   1 P. (शंसति, शस्त; pass. शस्यते)<br>   To praise, extol, approve of; साधु साध्विति भूतानि शशंसुर्मारुतात्मजम् Rām.; संन्यासं कर्मणां कृष्ण पुनर्योगं च शंससि [Bg.5.1.] <br>   To tell, relate, express, declare, communicate, announce, report (with dat. or sometimes gen. of person or by itself); शशंस सीतापरिदेवनान्तमनुष्ठितं शासनमग्रजाय [R.14.83;]मे ह्रिया शंसति किंचिदीप्सितम् 3.5;2.68;4.72;9.77; 11.84; [Ku.3.6;5.51.] <br>   To indicate, bespeak, show; यः (अशोकः) सावज्ञो माधवश्रीनियोगे पुष्पैः शंसत्यादरं त्वत्प्रयत्ने [M.5.8;] [Ki.5.23;] [Ku.2.22.] <br>   To repeat, recute; ओमिति शंसति [Ch. Up.1.1.9.] <br>   To hurt, injure.<br>   To revile, traduce.<br>   To praise in ऋक् verse not made of grains (पुरोडाश).<br>-मुखः   a surgical instrument (resembling a grain of rice).<br>-राजिकम्   panic seed (= कङ्गू q. v.).<br>-वापम्   sowing rice.<br>-श्रेष्ठः   a kind of rice (शालिधान्य).<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शंस्ु)शंसु   r. 1st cl. (शसति)<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   1. To praise.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   2. To hurt.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   3. To wish.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   4. To calumniate.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   5. To suggest.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   6. To report, to relate, (with a dat. or gen. of the person communicated to.)<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   With अभि prefixed, To accuse wrongfully.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   With आङ्,<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   1. To hope.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   2. To speak.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   3. To wish.<br>शंस्ु)शंसु   With प्र, To praise, to flatter; this root and its derivatives are sometimes read with the palatal sibilant final or शंश, &c.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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