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   { yat }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यत्  mfn. 1.mfn. (pr. p. of √ 5.) going, moving, [RV.] &c. &c. (अब्दे यति, in this year, [L.] )<br>यत्   2.cl. 1. Ā. (prob. connected with √ यम् and orig. meaning, ‘to stretchii, 29">[Dhātup. ii, 29] ) य॑तते (Ved. and ep. also P.°ति; p.य॑तमान, य॑तान and यतान॑, [RV.] ; pf.येते, 3. pl.येतिरे, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. &c.; aor.अयतिष्ट, [Br.] ; fut.यतिष्यते, [Br.] , °ति, [MBh.] ; inf.यतितुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p.-य॑त्य, [MBh.] ), (P.)
to place in order, marshal, join, connect, [RV.] ;
(P. or Ā.) to keep pace, be in line, rival or vie with (instr.), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
(Ā.) to join (instr.), associate with (instr.), march or fly together or in line, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
to conform or comply with (instr.), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
to meet, encounter (in battle), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; ---10--- ;
to seek to join one's self with, make for, tend towards (loc.), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
to endeavour to reach, strive after, be eager or anxious for (with loc.dat.acc. with or without प्रति, once with gen.; also with अर्थे, अर्थाय, अर्थम् and हेतोस्ifc.; or with inf.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to exert one's self, take pains, endeavour, make effort, persevere, be cautious or watchful, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.;
to be prepared for (acc.), [R.] :
Caus. (or cl. 10. xxxiii, 62">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 62] ) यात॑यति (or °ते; aor.अयीयतत्; Pass.यात्यते),
to join, unite (Ā. intrans.), [RV.] ;
to join or attach to (loc.) P.[PañcavBr.] ;
to cause to fight, [AitBr.] ;
to strive to obtain anything (acc.) from (abl.), [Mālav.] ;
(rarely Ā.) to requite, return, reward or punish, reprove (as a fault), [RV.] &c. &c. ;
(Ā.) to surrender or yield up anything (acc) to (acc. or gen.), [MBh.] ;
(P.Ā.) to distress, torture, vex, annoy, [BhP.] ;
accord. to [Dhātup.] also निकारे (others निराकारे or खेदे) and उपस्कारे:
Intens.यायत्यते and यायत्ति, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.<br>यत्   a in comp. for यद्.<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यत् [yat]   1 Ā. (यतते, यतित)<br>   To attempt, endeavour, strive, try (usually with inf. or dat.); सर्वः कल्ये वयसि यतते लब्धुमर्थान् कुटुम्बी [V.3.1.] <br>   To strive after, be eager or anxious for, long for; या न ययौ प्रियमन्यवधूभ्यः सारतरा- गमना यतमानम् [Śi.4.45;] [R.9.7.] <br>   To exert oneself, persevere, labour.<br>   To observe caution, be watchful; यततो ह्यपि कौन्तेय पुरुषस्य विपश्चितः [Bg.2.6.] <br>   Ved. To excite, stir up, rouse.<br>   To join. associate with.<br>   To go, proceed. -Caus. (यातयति-ते) To return, rapay, requite, recompense, restore.<br>   To despise, censure.<br>   To encourage, animate.<br>   To torture, distress, annoy.<br>   To prepare, elaborate.<br>   Ved. To join unite.<br>   To cause to be returned or restored.<br>यत् [yat] a.  a. going, moving; स्थितं च यच्च (ब्रह्मणो रूपे) [Bṛi. Up.2.3.1.] <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
यत् (ई) यती   r. 1st cl. (यतते) To resolve or determine in consequence of a wish or desire, to apply or endeavour strenuously, to energize, to persevere.<br>यत् (ई) यती   r. 10 cl. (यातयति-ते)<br>यत् (ई) यती   1. To distress or afflict.<br>यत् (ई) यती   2. To beat.<br>यत् (ई) यती   3. To order.<br>यत् (ई) यती   4. To collect, to assemble.<br>यत् (ई) यती   5. To work, to make or manufacture.<br>यत् (ई) यती   6. To prevent, to remove.<br>यत् (ई) यती   7. To return, to give back, to requite.<br>यत् (ई) यती   8. To barter or exchange.<br>यत् (ई) यती   9. To purify.<br>यत् (ई) यती   10. To encourage.<br>यत् (ई) यती   With निर or वि prefixed, To chastise, to punish, to inflict pain.<br>यत् (ई) यती   With निस् or प्रति,<br>यत् (ई) यती   1. To restore.<br>यत् (ई) यती   2. To requite.<br>यत्   Ind. because as, since, wherefore, correlative of तत् thence, there- fore, &c.<br>   E. यत् to check, to restrain, क्विप् and तुक् affs.<br>
यत् क्विप् तुक्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : आयस्<br>

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