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   { puṇḍarīka }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   A holy place situated on the border of Kurukṣetra. one who bathes in a sacred pond there would get the benefit of doing a Puṇḍarīkayajña. [Śloka 83, Chapter 83, Vana Parva] .
PUṆḌARĪKA I   A king born of the race of Śrī Rāma. he was the son of Niṣadha and father of Kṣemadhanvā. [9th Skandha, Bhāgavata] .
PUṆḌARĪKA II   one of the Aṣṭadiggajas (elephants guarding the eight zones). (see under Aṣṭadiggajas).
PUṆḌARĪKA III   A brahmin who lived during the period of Nārada. Nārada once held a scholarly conversation with him on virtue. he saw Mahāviṣṇu in person and attained sāyujya (intimate union with a deity). [Chapter 124, Anuśāsana Parva] .
PUṆḌARĪKA iv   A great yajña. [Śloka 100, Chapter 5, Sabhā Parva] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्डरीक  n. n. (√ पुण् [?]; cf.iv, 20 Sch.">[Uṇ. iv, 20] Sch.) a lotus-flower (esp. a white lotus; ifc. expressive of beauty cf.g.व्याघ्रा-दि), [RV.] &c. &c. (it is sacred to शिखिन्, one of the बुद्धs, [MWB. 515] )
   a white umbrella, [L.]
   a kind of drug, [L.]
  n. (m. or n. ?) a mark on the forehead, [Śatr.]
   N. of a तीर्थ, [MBh.]
पुण्डरीक  m. m. a kind of sacrifice, [MBh.]
   a species of rice, [Suśr.]
   a kind of fragrant mango, [L.]
   Artemisia Indica, ---10---
   a variety of the sugar-cane, ---11---
   a tiger, ---12---
   a kind of bird, ---13---
   a kind of serpent, [L.]
   a kind of leprosy, [L.]
   fever in an elephant, [L.]
   white (the colour), [L.]
   N. of a नाग, [MBh.]
   of the elephant of the south-east quarter, [Ragh.]
   of an ancient king, ---20---
   of a son of नभ or नभस्, [Hariv.]
   of a Brāhman renowned for filial piety, and afterwards worshipped as the god विठोबा, [RTL. 263]
   (with जैनs) of a गण-धर, [Śatr.]
   of a hermit (son of श्वेतकेतु and लक्ष्मी), [Kād.]
   of a poet, [Cat.]
   of a mountain, [Śatr.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुण्डरीक  m.  (-कः)
   1. The elephant presiding over the south-east quarter.
   2. A leopard.
   3. A sort of snake called Rajila; (Amphisbœna.)
   4. A fragrant kind of mango.
   5. fever affecting an elephant.
   6. A variety of the sugarcane.
   7. A silk worm, (कोषकार)
   8. A student's waterpot “Kamandalu.”
   9. white, the colour.
   10. A sort of leprosy.
   11. A species of rice. 12. fire.
   13. A mark on the forehead with sandal, &c. n. (-कं)
   1. A white lotus.
   2. A lotus in general.
   3. A white umbrella.
   4. A kind of drug.
   E. पुडि to grind; or according to some, to adorn, Unādi aff. ईक, and the form irr.
पुडि ईक

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