Dictionaries | References


   { cakṣuṣya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुष्य  mfn. mfn. pleasing to the eyes, wholesome for the eyes or the eyesight, xiii, 3423">[MBh. xiii, 3423] ; [Suśr.] ; [Hcat.]
   agreeable to the eyes, pleasing, good-looking, beautiful, iii, 13, 8">[ChUp. iii, 13, 8] ; [Car. i, 5, 89] ; iii, 493">[Rājat. iii, 493]
   being in any one's (instr.) range of sight’ and ‘dear to any one (instr.)’ viii, 57">[Śiś. viii, 57]
चक्षुष्य  m. m. a kind of collyrium (extracted from Amomum antorhiza), [L.]
   Pandanus odoratissimus, [L.]
   Hyperanthera moringa, [L.]
पुण्डरीक   also also title or epithet).">N. of other plants (, कनक), [L.]
चक्षुष्य  n. n. two kinds of collyrium (खर्परी-तुत्थ and सौवीरा-ञ्जन), [L.]
प्रपौण्डरीक   the small shrub , [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुष्य [cakṣuṣya] a.  a. [चक्षुते हितः यत्]
   good looking, agreeable to the sight, pleasing, beautiful; [Śi.8.57.]
   good for the eyes.
   produced from the eye; देवतानां पितॄणां च चक्षुष्यं चात्मनां विभो [Mb.13.68.28.]
-ष्यः, -ष्या   -ष्यः,
-ष्या   A collyrium or application to the eyes. A pleasing or agreeable woman.
-ष्यम्   An ointment for the eyes (mar. सुरमा ?); तार्क्ष्यशैलं शिखिग्रीवं चक्षुष्यं यामुनं पुनः [Śiva. B.3.18.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
चक्षुष्य  mfn.  (-ष्यः-ष्या-ष्यं)
   1. beautiful, pleasing or well looking.
   2. fit or agreeable for the eyes.
  m.  (-ष्यः)
   1. A flower, (Pandanus odora- tissimus.)
   2. A plant: see पुण्डरीक.
   3. collyrium or application to the eyes, extracted from the Amomum anthorhiza.
  f.  (-ष्या)
   1. A blue stone, or according to some, the calx of brass used as coll- yrium.
   2. A pleasing or interesting woman.
   E. चक्षुस् the eye, affix यत् . चक्षुषे हितः यत् .

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