धनम् [dhanam] [धन्-अच्] property, wealth, riches, treasure, money (gold, chattels &c.); धनं तावदसुलभम् [H. 1;] (fig. also) as in तपोधन, विद्याधन, &c. (a) any valued possession, an object of affection or endearment, dearest treasure; कष्टं जनः कुलधनैरनुरञ्जनीयः [U.1.14;] गुरोरपीदं धनमाहिताग्नेः [R.2.44;] मानधन, अभिमान˚ &c. (b) A valuable article; [Ms.8.21,22.] capital (opp. वृद्धि or interest). A booty, prey, spoil. The reward given to a victor in a combat, the prize won in a game. A contest for prizes, a match. The lunar mansion called धनिष्ठा surplus, residue. (In math.) The affirmative quantity or plus (opp. ऋण). A sound. -Comp. -अधिकारः right to property, right of inheriting property. -अधिकारिन् m. m. अधिकृतः a treasurer. an heir. -अधिगोप्तृ m. m., पालः a treasurer. an epithet of Kubera. -पिशाचिका, -पिशाची 'the demon of wealth', an avaricious desire of wealth, greed, avarice. -प्रयोगः usury. -मद a. a. purseproud. (-दः) pride of wealth. -मूलम् principal, capital.-लोभः avarice, cupidity. व्ययः expenditure. extravagance. -सूः f. f. mother of daughters; L. D. B. m. m. the forktailed shrike. स्थानम् a treasury. the second mansion from लग्न in a horoscope. हरः an heir. a thief. a kind of perfume. -हार्य a. a. to be won over by wealth; वहसि हि धनहार्यं पण्यभूतं शरीरम् [Mk.1.31;5.9.] -हीन a. a. deprived of wealth, poor. अधिपः, अधिपतिः, अध्यक्षः an epithet of Kubera; अनुचेरण धनाधिपते रथो नगविलोकनविस्मितमानसः (स जगदे) [Ki.5.16.] धना- धिपेन विद्धस्य अनुह्रादस्य संयुगे Hariv.; यदस्माकं धनाध्यक्षः प्रभूतं धनमाहरत् [Mb.179.18.] a treasurer. अपहारः fine. plunder. -अर्चित a. honoured with gifts of wealth, kept contented by valuable presents; मानधना धनार्चिताः [Ki.1.19.] wealthy, opulent. -अर्थिन् a. a. desiring or seeking for wealth, covetous, miserly. -आढ्य a. a. opulent, rich. -आदानम् acceptance of money; [Ms.11.69.] -आधारः a treasury. -आशा f. f. desire for wealth; धनाशा जीविताशा च जीर्यतोऽपि न जीर्यति Subhāṣ. ईशः, ईश्वरः a treasurer. an epithet of Kubera. -उष्मन् m. m. warmth of wealth; cf. अर्थोष्मन्; burning desire for wealth; [Ms.9.231.] -एषिन् m. m. a creditor who claims his money. -काम, -काम्य a. a. covetous, greedy. -केलिः an epithet of Kubera. -क्षयः loss of wealth; धनक्षये वर्धति जाठराग्निः [Pt.2.178.] -गर्व, -गर्वित a. a. purse-proud.-छूः the numidian crane. -जातम् all kinds of valuable possessions, aggregate property; सर्वेषां धनजातानामाददी- ताग्ऱ्यमग्रजः [Ms.9.114.] -द a. a. liberal. (दः) a liberal or munificent man. an epithet of Kubera; जिगमिषुर्ध नदाध्युषितां दिशम् [R.9.25;17.8.] N. N. of fire. = धनञ्जय (4) q. v. ˚अनुजः an epithet of Rāvaṇa; [R.12.52.88.] -दण्डः punishment in the shape of a fine. -दायिन् m. m. fire. -धानी treasury. धान्यम् money and grain. a spell for restraining certain magical weapons. पतिः an epithet of Kubera; तत्रागारं धनपतिगृहानुत्तरेणास्मदीयम् [Me.77,7.] a treasurer. = धनञ्जय (4) q. v.