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   { aya }
Script: Devanagari


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अय II. n.  अगस्त्य गोत्र का मंत्रकार ।<br>अय III. n.  तुषित नामक देवगणों में से एक ।<br>अय IV. n.  यजुर्वेदी ब्रह्मचारी ।<br>


  न. लोखंड . [ सं . अयस ]<br>


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अय  m. m. going (only ifc.cf.अभ्यस्तम् अय)<br>गवाम्   (with ) ‘the going or the turn of the cows’, N. of a periodical sacrifice, [MBh.] <br>अनानय   a move towards the right at chess, [Pat.] (cf.)<br>   Ved. a die, [RV. x 166, 9] ; [AV.] &c.<br>   the numberfour’<br>   good luck, favourable fortune, [Nalôd.] <br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अय [aya] a.  a. going, moving.<br>   यः going, moving (mostly in comp., as in अस्तमय).<br>   good actions of former birth.<br>   good fortune, good luck (शुभावहो विधिः) शुद्धपार्ष्णिरयान्वितः [R.4.26.] पातु वासवदत्तायो महासेनोऽतिवीर्यवान् Pratijñā.1.1.<br>   A move towards the right (in chess).<br>   A die or cube (to play with); अया इव परि चरन्ति देवाः [Rv.1.116.9;] कलिः सर्वानयानभिभवति Śat. br. cf. अयः पुंसि गतावपि । शुभावहे चाभ्युदये......। nm.-Comp.<br>-अन्वित, अयवत् a.  a. fortunate, lucky; सुलभैः सदा नयवताऽयवता [Ki.5.2.] <br>-शोभिन् a.  a. bright with good fortune.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अय   r. 1st cl. (अयते) To go, to go to or towards.<br>   With प्रति to believe, to rely on. A preposition containing substitutes before this root, as प्र and पर make प्लायते, पलायते to fly, to run away.<br>अय  m.  (-यः) good luck, favourable fortune.<br>   E. इण to go, and अच् affix; happiness proceeding by it.<br>
इण अच्

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