प्रतिपत्ति f. (-त्तिः) 1. Fame, renown, reputation. 2. Gaining, getting, obtaining, acquirement. 3. Action, wordly practice or activity, as opposed to religious contemplation. 4. Use, application, profit. 5. Arrogance, audacity, confidence. 6. Knowledge, perception, observation, determination, ascertainment. 7. Elevation, exalta- tion, promotion, acquirement of rank or dignity. 8. Acknowledg- ment, assent, admission, aceptance. 9. Inspiring trust or confi- dence, satisfying, shewing in proof. 10. Respectful or affectionate behaviour. 11. Purpose, design. 12. Comprehending, includ- ing. 13. Distribution, disposal. 14. Giving, presentation. 15. Inte- llect, intelligence. 16. Inclination, tendency. 17. Method, means. 18. Promotion, preferment. 19. Proof, conviction. 20. Under- taking, commencement. 21. Resolution. 22. Procedure, act of proceeding. 23. Knowledge of what to do. 24. Blinding, mislead- ing, deceiving. 25. Throwing Ghee on the fire, or images into a sacred stream, or any similar rite from which no advantage is expected. E. प्रति severally or towards, &c. पद् to go, aff. क्तिन् .