Dictionaries | References


   { karuṇa }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  रस , स्वर


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KARUṆA   see under Dhanañjaya.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   moving, pity-exciting, pitiful.
  m -णा
  f  mercy, pity.
करुणा भाकणें   To implore mercy, to appeal to pity.


   करुणरस पहा .
  पु. दीनवाणा , करुणेचा , काकुळतीचा शब्द . ( सं .)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करुण  mfn. mf()n. (√ 1.कॄ, iii, 53">[Uṇ. iii, 53] ; but in some of its meanings fr.1.कृ), mournful, miserable, lamenting, [MBh.] ; [Daś.] &c.
   compassionate, [BhP.]
करुण  m. m. ‘causing pity or compassion’, one of the रसs or sentiments of a poem, the pathetic sentiment, [Sāh.] &c.
   citrus Decumana">citrus Decumana, [L.]
   a बुद्ध, [L.]
   N. of an असुर, [Hariv.]
करुण  n. n. an action, holy work, 100, 7">[RV. i, 100, 7] ; xii, 3, 47">[AV. xii, 3, 47] ; [TS. i.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करुण [karuṇa] a.  a. [करोति मनः आनुकूल्याय, कृ-उनन् [Tv.] ] tender, pathetic, pitiable, exciting pity, mournful; करुणध्वनिः [V.1;] [Śi.9.67;] विकलकरुणैरार्यचरितैः [U.1.28.]
   णः pity, compassion, tenderness.
   pathetic sentiment, grief, sorrow (as one of the 8 or 9 sentiments); पुट- पाकप्रतीकाशो रामस्य करुणो रसः [U.3.1,13;7.12;] विलपन्... करुणार्थग्रथितं प्रियां प्रति [R.8.7.]
   The supreme being.
   A Jaina saint.
-णम्   Ved. An action, a holy or sacred rite. स विश्वस्य करुणस्येश एको [Rv.1.1.7;] ममेदु- कर्मन् करुणेऽधि जाया [Av.12.3.47.] ind. mournfully, woefully; अधस्ताच्छिंशपामूले साध्वी करुणमास्थिता [Rām.5.59.21.] -Comp.
-मल्ली   the Mallikā plant.
-विप्रलम्भः   (in Rhet.) the feeling of love in separation.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करुण  mf.  (-णः-णा) tenderness, pity, compassion, the feeling or sentiment. adv. (-णं) pitifully, in distress.
  m.  (-णः)
   1. sorrow, affliction, one of the eight sentiments.
   2. The name of a fruit-tree, the pamplemouse, (citrus decumana.)
   3. A Jina or Jaina saint.
   E. कॄ to send or cast, उनन् Unadi aff.
कॄ उनन्

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