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   { vivartḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : भँवर


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-वर्त   aवि-वर्तन &c. See under वि-√ वृत्, p.988.
वि वर्त
वि-वर्त  m. bm. ‘the revolving one’, N. of the sky, [VS.] ; [TS.]
वि वर्त
   a whirlpool, [SV.]
   turning round, rolling onwards, moving about, [Mcar.]
   turning away, [L.]
   dance, [L.]
   changing from one state to another, modification, alteration, transformation, altered form or condition, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.]
   (in वेदान्त) error, illusion, an apparent or illusory form, unreality (caused by अ-विद्या, ‘ignorance’, and removed by विद्या, ‘true knowledge’), [Vedântas.]
   collection, multitude, [L.]
अत्रेः   (with ) N. of two सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विवर्तः [vivartḥ]   1 Turning round, revolving, whirling.
   Rolling onward, moving about; संवर्तप्रकटविवर्तसप्तपाथोनाथोर्मि- व्यतिकरविभ्रमप्रचण्डः [Mv.6.26.]
   Rolling back, returning.
   Alteration, modification, change of form, altered condition or state; शब्दब्रह्मणस्तादृशं विवर्त- मितिहासं रामायणं प्रणिनाय [U.2;] एको रसः करुण एव निमित्त- भेदाद्भिन्नः पृथक् पृथगिवाश्रयते विवर्तान् [U.3.47;] अकाण्डशुष्काशनि- पातरौद्रः क एष धातुर्विषमो विवर्तः [Mv.5.57.]
   (In Vedānta phil.) An apparent or illusory form, an unreal appearance caused by अविद्या or human error; (this is a favourite doctrine of the Vedāntins according to whom the whole visible world is a mere illusionan unreal and illusory appearancewhile Brahman or Supreme Spirit is the only real entity; as a serpent (सर्प) is avivarta of a rope (रज्जु), so is the world a vivarta of the real entity Brahman, and the illusion is removed by Vidyā or true knowledge; cf. Bhavabhūti: विद्या- कल्पेन मरुता मेघानां भूयसामपि । ब्रह्मणीव विवर्तानां क्वापि विप्रलयः कृतः ॥ [U.6.6] ).
   A heap, multitude, collection, an assemblage. -Comp.
-वादः   the doctrine of the Vedāntins that the visible world is illusory and Brahman alone is the real entity.

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