Dictionaries | References अ अनुबन्ध { anubandhḥ } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अनुबन्ध हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : अनुबंध, उपाय, अनुकरण, वंशज, नतीजा, उद्देश्य, संतान, भूल, बंधन, प्यास, संबंध, अनुबंध, नगण्य, अनुबंध, पूरक, अनुबंध, अनुबंध, अनुबंध Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अनुबन्ध नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | noun कुनै काम गर्नका लागि दुई पक्षमा हुने विवाद या समझौता Ex. दुई पक्षका बीच के अनुबन्ध भयो भने उनीहरू एक-आपसका विषयमा हस्तक्षेप गर्दैनन् ONTOLOGY:कार्य (Action) ➜ अमूर्त (Abstract) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:समझौता बुझाबुझी कुराकानीWordnet:asmবুজাবুজি bdरादाय benঅনুবন্ধ gujકરાર hinअनुबंध kanಒಪ್ಪಂದ kasمُہادٕ kokकबलात malകരാറ് marकरार mniꯌꯥꯅꯕ꯭ꯋꯥꯐꯝ oriସର୍ତ୍ତ panਫੈਸਲਾ tamஒப்பந்தம் telఒప్పందం urdمعاہدہ , سمجھوتہ , مفاہمت , باہم قول و قرار , قرار , قرارنامہ , عہدنامہ noun त्यो पत्र जसमा कुनै प्रकारको अनुबन्ध र त्यसका शर्तहरू लेखिएको हुन्छ Ex. दुवै दलले अनुबन्धमा हस्ताक्षर गरे ONTOLOGY:मानवकृति (Artifact) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:सर्त प्रतिज्ञा पत्रWordnet:asmচুক্তিপত্র bdरादाइ benঅঙ্গীকারপত্র gujએકરારનામું hinइक़रारनामा kanಕಾರಾರು ಪತ್ರ kasاِقرار نامہٕ malഉടമ്പടി marकरार mniꯑꯏꯕ꯭ꯌꯥꯅ ꯆꯦ oriଚୁକ୍ତିପତ୍ର panਇਕਰਾਰਨਾਮਾ sanप्रतिज्ञापत्रम् tamஒப்பந்தபத்திரம் urdاقرارنامہ , معاہدہ , سمجھوتہ , عہدنامہ , دستاویز , سند , قبالہ , نوشتہ Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अनुबन्ध A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अनु-बन्ध m. m. binding, connection, attachment ROOTS:अनु बन्ध encumbrance clog uninterrupted succession sequence, consequence, result intention, design motive, cause obstacle inseparable adjunct or sign of anything, secondary or symptomatic affection (supervening on the principal disease)इ an indicatory letter or syllable attached to roots, &c. (marking some peculiarity in their inflection; example.'">e.g. an attached to roots, denotes the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant) a child or pupil who imitates an example set by a parent or preceptor commencement, beginning anything small or little, a part, a small part (in arithm.) the junction of fractions (in phil.) an indispensable element of the वेदान्त Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अनुबन्ध The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अनुबन्धः [anubandhḥ] 1 binding or fastening on, connection, attachment, tie (lit. & fig.); यस्यां मनश्चक्षुषोरनुबन्धस्तस्या- मृद्धिः [Māl.2;] एतस्येदृशेन दर्शनेन कीदृशो मे हृदयानुबन्धः इति न जानासि U.3 state of feeling; [K.257.] uninterrupted succession, unbroken sequence, continuous flow, continuity; series, chain; बाष्पं कुसु स्थिरतया विरतानुबन्धम् [Ś.4.] 15; मरण˚ [K.236] following up death, desire for dying; अनुबन्धाद्विरमेद्वा [K.28;] यदा नात्याक्षीदेवानुबन्धम् 39 (persistence in) following me, 317; वैर˚, मत्सर˚, [Dk.63,161;] मुच्यतां देवि शोकानुबन्धः [K.63] continuous sorrow; दुर्लभजन- प्रार्थना˚ [Ratn.1;] विरम विरम वह्ने मुञ्च धूमानुबन्धम् 4.16; सानु- बन्धाः कथं न स्युः संपदो मे निरापदः [R.1.64] continuous, uninterrupted; परिवृद्धरीगमनुबन्धसेवया [R.9.69] continuous enjoyment; अयं सोऽर्थोऽनर्थानुबन्धः संवृत्तः V.5 giving rise to a chain of evils. descendants, posterity; सानुबन्धा हता ह्यसि Rām. relation, भूमेः सुतां भूमिभृतोऽनुबन्धात् ---10--- consequence, result (good or bad); आत्मदोषानुबन्धेन ---11--- in consequence of; यदग्रे चानुबन्धे च सुखम् ---12--- अनुबन्धमजानन्तः कर्मणामविचक्षणाः [Rām. 3.51.26;] नार्थानां प्रकृतिं वेत्सि नानुबन्धमवेक्षसे [Mb.4.49.1.] intention; design, motive, cause; अनुबन्धानपेक्षेत सानु- बन्धेषु कर्मसु ---15--- अनुबन्धं परिज्ञाय देशकालौ च तत्त्वतः । सारापराधौ चालोक्य दण्ड दण्डयेषु पातयेत् [Ms.8.126;] पाप˚ of evil designs. An adjunct of a thing, a secondary member (मुख्यानुयायि, अप्रधानम्); (उल्का) दृश्यते सानुबन्धा च [Rām.5.1.63.] a secondary symptom, symptomatic affection, attendant on the principal disease (वातपित्तादि- दोषाणामप्राधान्यम्); मूर्छानुबन्धा विषमज्वराः [Suśr.] connecting link or adjunct of a subject or topic; theme, matter of discussion; introductory reasons; (विषयप्रयोजनाधिकारि- संबन्धः अनुबन्धः) (an indispensable element of the Vedānta). (gram.) An indicatory syllable or letter intended to denote some peculiarity in the inflection, accent &c. of the word to which it is attached; as the लृ in गम्लृ, ण् in इण्; रिपुराप पराभवाय मध्यं प्रकृति- प्रत्यययोरिवानुबन्धः [Ki.13.19.] offence, fault. An obstacle, impediment; also the clog or encumbrance of a family; domestic ties or attachment. A child or pupil who follows the example set by his parent or teacher (मुख्यानुयायी शिशुः). beginning, commencement. repeated application or devotion (पौनःपुन्येन अभिनिवेशः). course, pursuit. A small bit or part, a trifle. The junction of a fraction (with an integer), as भागानुबन्धपूर्णाङ्कः. base, stem (प्रकृति). cf. अनुबन्धः प्रकृत्यादौ दोषोत्पादे विनश्वरे । मुख्यानुयायिनि शिशौ प्रकृतस्यानुवर्तने । अनुबन्धेऽपि हिक्कायां भ्रष्टायामपि कथ्यते । nm.-धी [अनुबध्यते अतिश्वासेन व्याप्रियते अनया] thirst. Hickup. अनुबन्धी तु हिक्कायां तृष्णायामपि योषिति-Medinī. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अनुबन्ध Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | अनुबन्ध m. (-न्धः) 1. The inseparable adjunct or sign of any thing, the indication of guilt, symtom of disease, &c. 2. An element of [Page028-b+ 60] language, root, affix, &c. 3. An indicatory letter not sounded or dropped in composition, but marking some peculiarity in inflecting the word to which it is attached; for instance, an indicatory इ, denotes that verbs require the insertion of a nasal before their final consonant. 4. A child or pupil, who imitates an example set by the parent or preceptor. 5. A child or infant in general. 6. Com- mencement, beginning. 7. binding, confining. 8. any thing small or little, a part, a small part. 9. The connexion between the agent and the cause or motive. 10. circumstance, case. 11. The junc- tion of fractions. 12. A secondary or symtomatic affection, one supervening on the principal disease. f. (न्धा) 1. Hickup. 2. thirst. E. अनु after, and बन्ध to bind or confine, ROOTS:अनु बन्ध with घञ् affix; and in the fem. ङीष्. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP