Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All dishevel dishonest dishonour dishumour disillusion disincline disinfect disingenuous disinherit disintegrate disinter disinterested disjoin disjunct disk dislike disliken dislocate dislodge disloyal dismal dismantle dismask dismast dismay dismember Dismiss dismount disobey disoblige disorder disorganize disown disparage disparity dispart dispassion dispatch dispel dispensary dispense dispeople disperse displace displant display displease displode displume disport dispose dispossess dispraise dispread disproportion disprove dispute disqualify disquiet disquisition disregard disrelish disrepute disrespect disrobe disrupt dissatisfy dissect dissemble disseminate dissension dissent dissertation disserve dissever dissident dissimilar dissimulation dissipate dissociate dissolve dissonance disspirit dissuade dissyllable distaff distance distaste distemper distend distich distil distinguish distort distract distrain distraught distress distribute district distrust disturb disunite disuse ditch ditto ditty diuretic diuturnal divagation divan divaricate dive diverge diverse divert divest divide divine divorce divulge divulsion dizzy do docile dock docket Doctor doctrine document dodecagon dodge doe doff dog dogged doggerel dogma dole doll dolour dolphin dolt domain dome domestic domicile dominant dominate domineer dominical dominie dominion domino don donary donation donkey donor doodle doom door dope dormant dormitory dorsal dose dot dote double doublet doubt douceur dough doughty dour douse dove dowager dowdy dower dowlas down dowse doxology doyne doze dozen drab drabble draff draft drag draggle dragon dragoon drain drake dram drama drap drastic draught draw drawl dray dread dream dreary dredge dregs drench dress drib dribble drift drill drink drip drive drivel drizzle droll dromedary drone droop drop dropsy dross drought drove drown drowse drub drudge drug drugget drum dry dryad dual dub dubious duck duct ductile dude dudgeon due duel duffer dug dulcet dulcimer dull dumb dumpish dumps dumpy dun dunce dune dung dungeon dupe duplex duplicate duplicity durable durance duration during dusk dust duty dux dwarf dwell dwindle dye dyke dynasty dysentery dyspepsia dyspnoea each eager eagle ear early earn earnest Earth ease easel easement east eat eaves ebb ebony ebriety ebriosity ebullition eccentric ecclesiastic echo eclat eclectic eclipse ecliptic economy ecstasy ecumenical eczema edacious eddy edentated edge edible edict edifice edify edit educate educe eel effable efface effect effeminate effervesce effete efficacy efficient effigy efflorescence effluence effluvium efflux effort effrontery effulgent effuse egg eglantine ego egotism egregious egress eight eighteen eighty either ejaculate eject ejulation eke elaborate elapse elastic elate elbow elder eldest elect electer electric electrobus electrocute electuary eleemosynary elegant elegiac elegy element elephant elephantiasis elevate eleven elf elflock elicit elide eligible eliminate elite elixir ellipse ellipsis elocution elongate elope eloquent else elucidate elude elysium emaciate emanate emancipate emasculate embale embalm embank embar embargo embark embarrass embassy embattle embedded embellish embers embezzle embitter emblazon emblem embody embolden embosom emboss embouchure embow embowel embowered embrace embrasure embrocate embroglio embroider embroil embryo emend emerald emerge emery emetic emeute emigrate eminent emissary emit emmet emmew emolliate emollient emolument emotion empale emperor emphasis empire empiric emplastic employ empoison emporium empower empty empurple empyreal empyrean emulate emulsion emunctory enable enact enamoured enbloc encage encamp encave enchafe enchain enchant enchase enciente encircle enclose encomium encompass encore encounter encourage encroach encrust encumber encyclical encyclopoedia end endanger endear endeavour endemic endishabille endorse endow endue endure | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP