Dictionaries | References


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Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वच्   cl. 2. P. (xxiv, 55">[Dhātup. xxiv, 55] ) वक्ति (occurs only in sg. वच्मि, वक्षि, वक्ति, and Impv.वक्तु; Ved. also cl. 3. P.वि॑वक्ति; pf.उवा॑च, ऊज्, [RV.] &c. &c.; उव॑क्थ, [AV.] ; ववाच, ववक्षे॑, [RV.] ; aor.अवोचत्, °चत, [RV.] &c. &c.; in वेद also Subj.वोचति, °ते, वेचाति; Pot.वोचे॑त्, °चेत; Impv.वोचतु; Prec.उच्यासम्, [Br.] ; fut.वक्ता॑, ib. &c.; वक्ष्य॑ति, [RV.] &c. &c.; °ते, [MBh.] ; Cond.अवक्ष्यत्, [Br.] ; [Up.] ; inf.व॑क्तुम्, [Br.] &c.; °तवे, [RV.] ; °तोस्, [Br.] ; ind.p.उक्त्वा॑, [Br.] &c.; -उ॑च्य, ib.),
to speak, say, tell, utter, announce, declare, mention, proclaim, recite, describe (with acc. with or without प्रतिdat. or gen. of pers., and acc. of thing; often with double acc.e.g.तम् इदं वाक्यम् उवाच, ‘he spoke this speech to him’; with double acc. also ‘to name, call,’ Ā. with nom. ‘one's self’; with पुनर्, ‘to speak again, repeat’; or ‘to answer, reply’), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to reproach, revile (acc.), [Hariv.] ; [R.] :
pass.उच्य॑ते (aor.अवाचि, or in later language अवोचि), to be spoken or said or told or uttered &c., [RV.] &c. &c. (यद् उच्यते, ‘what the saying is’);
to resound, [RV.] ;
to be called or accounted, be regarded as, pass for (nom.[L.] also loc.), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.:
Caus.वाचयति, °ते (Pot.वाचयीत, [ĀśvGṛ.] ; aor.अवीवचत्; pass.वाच्यते),
to cause to say or speak or recite or pronounce (with, double acc.; often the object is to be supplied), [Br.] ; [GṛS.] ; [MBh.] &c.;
to cause anything written or printed to speak i.e. to read out loud, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] &c.;
(xxxiv, 35">[Dhātup. xxxiv, 35] ) to say, tell, declare, [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to promise, [MBh.] :
Desid.विवक्षति, °ते (pass.विवक्ष्यते), to desire to say or speak or recite or proclaim or declare, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(pass.) to be meant, [Śaṃk.] ; ---35--- :
Intens. (only अ॑वावचीत्) to call or cry aloud, [RV. x, 102, 6.] <br>वच्   [cf.Gk.ἐπ for ϝεπ in ἔπος, ὄψ, ὄσσα &c.; Lat.vocare, vox; Germ.gi-waht, gi-wahinnen, er-wähnen.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वच् [vac]   I. 2 P. (Ā. also in non-conjugational tenses; in conjugational tenses it is said to be defective in the third person plural by some authorities, or in the whole plural by others; वक्ति, उवाच, अवोचत्, वक्ष्यति, वक्तुम्, उक्त)<br>   To say, speak; वैराग्यादिव वक्षि [K. P.1;] (oft. with two. acc.); तामूचतुस्ते प्रियमप्यमिथ्या [R.14.6;] sometimes with accusative of words meaning 'speech'; उवाच धात्र्या प्रथमोदितं वचः [R.3.25;2.59;]एवं वक्ष्यते वाक्यम् [Rām.] <br>   To relate, describe; रघूणामन्वयं वक्ष्ये [R.1.9.] <br>   To tell, communicate, announce, declare; उच्यतां मद्वचनात्सारथिः [Ś.2;] [Me.1.] <br>   To name, call; तदेकसप्ततिगुणं मन्वन्तरमिहोच्यते [Ms.1.79.] <br>   To signify, denote (as sense).<br>   To recite, repeat.<br>   To censure; reproach; वृत्तिविज्ञानवान् धीरः कस्तं वा वक्तुमर्हति [Mb. 12.132.6.] -ii. 1 P. To inform, to tell; L. D. B.-Caus. (वाचयति-ते)<br>   To cause to speak.<br>   To go over, read, peruse; वाचयति नान्यलिखितं लिखितमनेन वाचयति नान्यः । अयमपरोऽस्य विशेषः स्वयमपि लिखितं स्वयं न वाचयति ॥ Subhāṣ.<br>   To say, tell, declare.<br>   To promise.-Desid. (विवक्षति) To wish to speak, intend to say (something); विवक्षता दोषमपि च्युतात्मना त्वयैकमीशं प्रति साधु भाषितम् [Ku.5.81.] <br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वच्ौ)औवच   r. 1st cl. (वचति)<br>वच्ौ)औवच   r. 2nd cl. (वक्ति) and 10th cl. (वाचयति-ते)<br>वच्ौ)औवच   1. To speak, to tell.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   2. To inform.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   3. To read, to expound.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   4. To name: (the second cl. is the most usual form of the root, in which its inflections however are very irregular.)<br>वच्ौ)औवच   With प्र,<br>वच्ौ)औवच   1. To begin to speak.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   2. To call.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   3. To announce.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   With प्रति, To answer. With अनु, To recite.<br>वच्ौ)औवच   With निस्, To explain etymologically.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  विषयविशेषम् अधिकृत्य वाक्यप्रबन्धानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. अद्य आचार्यः हिन्दूसंस्कृतिम् अधिकृत्य वक्ति। <br>
संप्रेषणसूचक (Communication)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : कथ्, कथय, वद्<br>

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