उपन्यस् [upanyas] 4
[P.] To lay upon, place or put down, put near, place before.
To entrust any one with, commit to the care of.
To explain, describe minutely.
To propose, suggest, hint, point out, state; मयोपन्यस्तेषु मन्त्रेषु
[H.3;] इत्युभयलोकविरुद्धं वचनमुपन्यस्तं Māl.2 spoken; सदुपन्यस्यति कृत्यवर्त्म यः
[Ki.2.3] tells or points out; किमिदमपन्यस्तम् Ś.5 what is this that is proposed or said.
To prove, establish argumentatively; भूतमप्यनुपन्यस्तं हीयते व्यवहारतः