प्र-विष्ट mfn. amfn. entered,
[R.] ;
[Ragh.] मध्य-प्रव्° one who has entered or gone or come into, being in or among (
loc. ,
acc. or
comp. ;
cf. ),
[RV.] &c. &c. (in
dram. ‘one who has entered the stage’)
sunk (as an eye),
[Suśr.] appeared or begun (as an age),
[Vet.] one who has entered upon or undertaken, occupied with, intent upon, engaged in (
loc. or
comp. ),
[BhP.] ;
[Rājat.] initiated into (
acc. ),
[Prab.] agreeing with (
loc. ),
[MBh.] made use of. invested (as money),
[Yājñ.] ;
[Rājat.] प्र-विष्ट b°टक &c. See under
प्र- √