धाव् 1.cl. 1. Ā. P. धा॑वति, °ते (pf. दधाव, °वेGr. ; aor. अदधावत्, [RV.] ; अधावीत्, [Br.] ; Prec. धाव्यासम्Gr. ; fut. धाविष्यति, [Kāv.] , °ते and धाविताGr. ; ind.p. धावित्वा and °व्य, [Kāv.] ; धौत्वाGr. ); to run, flow, stream, move, glide, swim, [RV.] &c. &c.; to run after (with or scil. पश्चात्), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. = seek for ( acc. ), ii, 29">[Kir. ii, 29] ; run towards ( -अभिमुखम्), [Hit.] run a race ( आजिम्), [Br.] run as fast as possible ( सर्वं जवम्), ib.; run to and fro ( इतश् चे-तश् च), [MBh.] ; [Hit.] ; run away, flee, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; to advance or rush against ( acc. ), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; ( प्रति), [Kathās.] : Caus. धाव॑यति ( aor. अदीधवत्Gr. ) to make run, impel, [Pañc.] ; to drive in a chariot, (with instr. of the vehicle and acc. of the way), [Br.] ; to jump, dance, [RV. x, 146, 2.] ( cf. √ 2.धन्, धन्व्, धव्; 1. धू.)< br> धाव् 2.cl. 1. Ā. P. धावति, °ते (pf. दधाव, [Bhaṭṭ.] ; aor. -अधाविष्ट, ix, 70, 8">[RV. ix, 70, 8] ; ind.p. धौत्वा, iv, 23">[Prab. iv, 23] [v.l. धूत्वा] and -धाव्य, ---23--- ) |