धू 1.cl. 5. Ā. P. धूनो॑ति, °नुते॑, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; धुनोति, °नुते, [Br.] &c. &c.; cl. 6. P. ([Dhātup. xxvii, 9] ) धुवति, [AV.] ; [Br.] (cf. नि-; Pot. धूवेत्, [Kāṭh.] ); cl. 9. Ā. P. (xxxi, 17) Pot. धुनीयात्, [Suśr.] ; p. Ā. धुनान, [BhP.] ; cl. 1. P. (xxxiv, 29) धवति; cl. 2. Ā. , 3. pl. धुवते (धुन्व॑ते?), [ŚBr.] ; p. धुवान॑, [TS.] (pf. दुधाव, [MBh.] , °धुवे, [AV.] ; दुधुवीत and दूधोत्, [RV.] : aor. अधूष्ट, 3. pl. °षत, ib.; अधोष्ट, अधविष्ट; अधौषीत्, अधावीत्Gr. ; fut. धविष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; धोष्यति, °ते, धोता & धविताGr. ; ind.p. धूत्वा, [AitBr.] , -धू॑य, [AV.] &c.; inf. धवितुम्Gr. ) to shake, agitate, cause to tremble, [RV.] &c. &c.; to shake down from (e.g. fruits [acc. ] from a tree [acc. ]), [RV. ix, 97, 53] ; (oftener Ā. ) to shake off, remove, liberate one's self from (acc. ), [Br.] ; [Up.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to fan, kindle (a fire), KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c.; to treat roughly, hurt, injure, destroy, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; to strive against, resist, [Pañc. i, 42] : Pass. धूय॑ते, [AV.] &c. (p. धूयत्, [MBh.] ) : Caus. धावयति ([Dhātup. xxxiv, 29] ) and धूनयति (See धून) : Desid. दुधूषति, °तेGr. ; Intens. दोधवीति, [RV.] ; [MBh.] (p. दो-धुवत् द॑विध्वत्, [RV.] ); दोधूयते, p. °यमान and °यत्, [MBh.] ; so shake or move violently (trans. and intr.); to shake off or down; to fan or kindle. [cf. √ धव् and धाव्; Gk. θύω, θύνω, θυμός.] धू f. 2.f. shaking, agitating, [L.]