ऊन mfn. mfn. (√ अव्, iii, 2">[Uṇ. iii, 2] ; ? cf. Zd. ऊन), wanting, deficient, defective, short of the right quantity, less than the right number, not sufficient less (in number, size, or degree), minus, fewer, smaller, inferior, 15; 44; xii, 1, 61">[AV. x, 8, 15; 44; xii, 1, 61] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Mn.] ; [Ragh.] &c. लक्षाद् ऊन less than (with abl. e.g. , less than a लक्ष, liii, 10">[Kathās. liii, 10] ; or ifc. e.g. तद्-ऊन, inferior to that one, ix, 123">[Mn. ix, 123] ), less by (with instr. e.g. द्वाभ्याम् ऊन, less by two, [ŚBr. xi] ; or ifc. e.g. अल्पो-न, less by a little, a little less, [Mn.] ; पञ्चो-न, less by five &c.) ऊन-विंश less by one (prefixed to decimals from twenty up to one hundred, e.g. = एको-न-विंश, the twentieth minus one, the nineteenth).