उत्प्रेक्षा [utprēkṣā] 1 Conjecture, guess.
Disregarding, carelessness, indifference.
(In Rhet.) A figure of speech, 'Poetical fancy', which consists in supposing उपमेय and उपमान as similar to each other in some respects and in indicating, expressly or by implication, a probability of their identity based on such similarity; it is the imagining of one object under the character of another; संभावनमथोत्प्रेक्षा प्रकृतस्य परेण यत्
[K. P.1;] e. g. लिम्पतीव तमोऽङ्गानि वर्षतीवाञ्जनं नभः
[Mk.1.34;] स्थितः पृथिव्या इव मानदण्डः
[Ku.1.1.] It is usually expressed by इव, or by words like मन्ये, शङ्के, ध्रुवम्, प्रायः, नूनम् &c. (see
[Kāv.2.234] ); cf.
[S. D.686-692] and R. G. under उत्प्रेक्षा also.
A parable.
An ironical comparison.-अवयवः A kind of simile -Comp.
-वल्लभः N. N. of a poet.