छल f. n. (√ स्खल्) (exceptionally m., vii, 15, 12">[BhP. vii, 15, 12] ; g. अर्धर्चा-दि) fraud, deceit, sham, guise, pretence, delusion, semblance, fiction, feint, trick, fallacy (often ifc. , e.g. उपदा-छलेन, ‘under pretence of gifts of honour’ i.e. with feigned gifts, vii, 27">[Ragh. vii, 27] ; रजश्-छलेन, ‘under the semblance of dust’, xvi, 28; see कन्यका-, धर्म-, वाक्-), viii, 49 and">[Mn. viii, 49 and] (अ-च्छ्°, neg. ), 187; [MBh.] &c. (ifc. f(आ). , lxii, 164">[Kathās. lxii, 164] ) deceitful disputation, perverting the sense of words, 51 ff.">[Nyāyas. i, 51 ff.] ; [Sarvad.] स्थल wickedness, [W.] ; for , xiii. 7257">[MBh. xiii. 7257] छल m. m.N. of a son of दल, iv, 4, 47">[VP. iv, 4, 47] ;