भज् cl. 1. Ā. P. ([Dhātup. xxxiii, 29] ) भ॑जति, °ते (2. sg. as Impv. भक्षि, [RV.] ; pf. P. बभा॑जĀ. भेजे॑, [RV.] &c.; 2. sg. बभक्थ, [ŚBr.] ; भेजिथ, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 122] ; aor. P. 2. 3. sg. अभाक्, [RV.] ; [Br.] ; अभाक्षीत्, °क्षुस्, [BhP.] ; Subj. भक्षत्, [RV.] ; Ā. अ॑भक्षि, °क्त, [RV.] &c.; Prec. Ā. भक्षीय॑, [RV.] ; 3. sg. °क्षीष्ट, [Br.] ; °क्षीत, [SV.] ; fut. भक्ष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; भजिष्यति, °ते, [MBh.] &c.; भक्ताGr. ; inf. भक्तुम्, [Br.] &c.; भजितुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p. भक्त्वा, [AV.] &c., °त्वाय, [RV.] ; -भज्य and -भा॑जम्, [Br.] ), to divide, distribute, allot or apportion to (dat. or gen. ), share with (instr. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; (Ā. ) to grant, bestow, furnish, supply, ib.; Ā. (rarely P. ) to obtain as one's share, receive as (two acc. ), partake of, enjoy (also carnally), possess, have (acc. , Ved. also gen. ), ib.; (Ā. , rarely P. ) to turn or resort to, engage in, assume (as a form), put on (garments), experience, incur, undergo, feel, go or fall into (with acc. , esp. of abstract noun e.g. भीतिम्, to feel terror; निद्राम्, to fall asleep; मौनम्, to become silent), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to pursue, practise, cultivate, [Mn.] ; [R.] ; [Suśr.] ; to fall to the lot or share of (acc. ), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to declare for, prefer, choose (e.g. as a servant), [MBh.] ; to serve, honour, revere, love, adore, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.: Caus. भाज॑यति, °ते (aor. अबीभजुः, [ŚBr.] , अबभाजत्Gr. ), to divide, [Sūryas.] ; to deal out, distribute, [Gaut.] ; to cause any one (acc. ) to partake of or enjoy (acc. or gen. ), [RV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; to put to flight, pursue, chase, drive into (acc. ), [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to cook, dress (food), [Vop.] : Desid. बिभक्षति, °ते, [MBh.] (cf. √ भिक्ष्) : Intens. बाभज्यते, बाभक्ति, [Gr.] भज् [cf. Gk. φαγεῖν, φαγός, φηγός; Lat. fāgus; Goth. Old S. bōk; Germ. Buch, Buchstabe; Eng. buck-, beech.]