सामर्थ्य n. n. (
fr. सम्-अर्थ) sameness of aim or object or meaning or signification, belonging or agreeing together (in aim, object &c.), adequacy, accordance, fitness, suitableness,
[Pat.] ;
[Hariv.] ;
[Suśr.] &c.
the being entitled to, justification for (
loc. or
comp. ),
[MBh.] ;
[R.] &c.
कृ ability to or capacity for (
inf. dat. loc. , or
comp. ;
acc. with √ , ‘to do one's utmost’; with √
भज्, ‘to take pains’, ‘exert one's self’),
ib.आत् efficacy, power, strength, force (, or
-तस् or
-योगात्, ‘through the force of circumstances’, ‘by reason of.’, ‘in consequence of’, ‘on account of.’ ‘as a matter of course’),
ib.the force or function or sense of a word,