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   { gomatī }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
GOMATĪ   (KAUŚIKĪ). A celebrated river of Purāṇic fame. this is worshipped as a goddess.
1) The curse.
Kaṁpa Rāmāyaṇa states that this river was Kauśikī, sister of Viśvāmitra. she became a river by a curse. Kauśikī was married to a sage called Ṛcīka. once Ṛcīka went to devaloka to see Brahmā. Kauśikī unable to bear the separation followed her husband by her power of chastity. On the way Ṛcīka saw her and cursed her and made her into a river. From that day onwards she started running as a river named Kauśikī. see under Kauśikī. [Bāla Kāṇḍa, Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa] .
2) other details from the Purāṇas regarding Gomatī.
i) Śrī Rāma conducted the Aśvamedha yāga at Naimiśāraṇya on the banks of this river. [Uttara Rāmāyaṇa] . ii) The sins of those who drink the water of this river are washed away. [Śloka 20, Chapter 169, Ādi Parva] . iii) The devī of Gomatī river lives in the court of Varuṇa worshipping him. [Śloka 23, Chapter 9, Sabhā Parva] . iv) Dharmaputra came to this river during his pilgrimage. [Śloka 2, Chapter 95, Vana Parva] . v) Gomatī is the wife of Agnideva called Viśvabhuk. [Śloka 19, Chapter 219, Vana Parva] . vi) this is one of the most important rivers of Bhāratavarṣa. [Śloka 18, Chapter 9, Bhīṣma Parva] . vii) The land of Divodāsa, king of Ayodhyā, extended from the shores of Gaṅgā to the base of Gomatī. [Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 2] . GOMATĪMANTRA. A mantra for obtaining blessings from cows. if one recites this mantra standing in the midst of cows one would get many children and great wealth and if it is recited by a woman she would get the affection and love of her husband. [Śloka 42, Chapter 81, Anuśāsana Parva, M. B.] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  एक भारतीय नदी जो उत्तर-प्रदेश में बहती है और गंगा की सहायक नदी है   Ex. गोमती का वर्णन पुराणों में भी है।; गोमती नौ सौ किमी लंबी है ।
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdگومتی , گومتی ندی
   see : गोमती जिला


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  उत्तर-प्रदेशांत व्हांवता आनी गंगेची सहायक न्हंय आसा अशी एक भारतीय न्हंय   Ex. गोमतीचें वर्णन पुराणांत लेगीत मेळटा / गोमती णवशे किमी लांब आसा
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdگومتی , گومتی ندی


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  एक भारतीय नदी जी उत्तरप्रदेशात वाहते आणि गंगाची सहाय्यक नदी आहे   Ex. गोमतीचे वर्णन पुराणांतदेखील आहे./ गोमती नऊशे किमी लांब आहे.
प्राकृतिक वस्तु (Natural Object)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
गोमती नदी
urdگومتی , گومتی ندی


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
गो—मती  f. af. (गो॑-मती) a place abounding in herds of cattle, iv, 21, 4 and v, 61, 19">[RV. iv, 21, 4 and v, 61, 19]
पलद्य्-अदि   N. of a village in the north g.
पलद्य् अदि
गो-मती   () N. of a river falling into the इन्दुs, viii, 24, 30 and x, 75, 10">[RV. viii, 24, 30 and x, 75, 10]
°ति   another river falling into the ganges, iii, iv">[MBh. iii, iv] (metrically , 513), xii, xiii">vi, xii, xiii; [Hariv.] ; [R.] &c.
विद्या   (with or without ) N. of a vedic hymn or formula to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow, [MBh. xiii] ; [Hcat. i, 7]
   N. of दाक्षायणी in the गो-मन्त mountain, xiii, 28.">[MatsyaP. xiii, 28.]
गो—मती  f. bf. of -मत्q.v.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  उत्तरस्यां दिशि वर्तमानः ग्रामः ।   Ex. गोमती कोशे उल्लिखिता अस्ति

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