Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All cask casket casque cast caste castigate castle castoroil castrate castrei casual casuist cat cataclysm catacomb catalepsis catalepsy catalogue cataplasm catapult cataract catarrh catastrophe catch catchpole catechism catechu catechumen category catenation cater caterpillar cates catgut cathartic cathedral catholic cattle caudal caul cauldron cause causerie causeway caustic cauterize caution cavalcade cavalier cave caveat cavil cavity cease cecity cedar cede cedrate ceiling celebrate celerity celestial celibacy Cell cellar celsitude cement cemetery cenotaph cense censor censure census cent centinel centre cephalagy cerated cerebrum cerecloth ceremony certain certes certify cerulean cerumen cervical cess cessation cession cesspool chafe chaff chaffer chagrin chain chair chaise chaldron chalice chalk challenge chalybeate chamber chameleon chamois champ champagne champion chance Chancellor chandelier chandler change channel chant chanticleer chaos chap chape chapel chaperon chaplain chaplet chapman chapter char character charade charcoal chare Charge chariot charity chark charlatan charm chart charter charwoman chary chase chasm chaste chastise chat chateau chattels chatter chaw cheap cheat check checkmate cheek cheep cheer cheese chemise chemistry Cheque chequer cherish cheroot chersonese cherub chess chest chevalier chew chicane chicken chickpeas chide chief chilblain child chill chime chimera chimney chin china chinacloth chine chink chip chirk chirognomy chirography chiromancer chiropodist chirp chirrup chirt chisel chit chivalry choice choir choke choler cholera choose chop chord chorion chorister chorus chouse chowrie christen chromatic chronic chronicle chronology chronometer chrysalis chrysolite chrysophilite chubfaced chuck chuckle chuff chum chump church churl churn chute chutni chyle cicatrice cicerone cidavaunt cigar cimex cinch cincture cinder cinerary cinnabar cinnamon cinque cipher circle circuit circulate circumambient circumambulate circumcise circumduct circumference circumfluent circumfuse circumjacent circumlocution circumnavigate circumrotation circumscribe circumspect circumstance circumvallate circumvent circumvest circumvolve circus cist cistern cit citadel cite citron city civet civil clack clad Claim clam clamancy clamant clamber clamour clamp clan clandestine clang clank clap clarify clarinet clarion clash clasp class clatter Clause clavated claw clay clean cleanse clear cleave cleft clement clench clergy Clerk clever clew click client cliff clift climate climax climb clinch cling Clinic clink clip clique cloak clock clod clog cloister close closet closure clot cloth cloud clough clout clove clover clown cloy club clue clump clumsy cluster clutch clutter coacervate coach coact coadjacent coadjutant coadjutor coagulate coal coalesce coalise coarse coast coat coax cobble cobra cobweb cock cockatrice cockboat cocker cockle cockloft cockney cockswain cocoanut cocoon coction cod coddle code codicil coefficacy coefficient coemption coequal coerce coetaneous coexist coextend coffee coffer coffin cog cogent cogglestone cogitate cognate cognise cognition cognizance cognomen cohabit coheir cohere cohobate cohort coif coil coin coincide coinstantaneous coir coition coke colaborator colander colation cold colic collapse collar collate collateral colleague collect college collet collide colligation collimation collinear collocate collocution collogue collop colloquy collude colly collyrium colon colonel colonnade colony colossus colour colt colter columbarium Column coma comate comb combat combine combustible combustion come comedy comely comestible comet comfit comfort comic comity comma command commemorate commence commend commensurate comment commentitious Commerce commination commingle comminute commiserate commissary commit commix commode commodious commodity common commorancy commotion commune communicate commute compact companion company compare compartment compass compassion compaternity compatible compatriot | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP